Working Women Versus Working Husband

Hello again everybody!

How's every one doing? Hectic? Try to take one step at a time. Take a deep breath and exhale. There, a little better now..

What shall we talk about today? About having no time to ourselves? About always running around trying to juggle between cooking, taking care of the family and paper work? I know, I know, it's hard. Believe me, I've been there, done that.
Let us take a look at one career woman's daily schedule first. She will need to wake up, latest at least by 0600am. She had to be in the office by nine. Had to prepare breakfast for husband and the kids. The kids had to be in school by 07:30am. Rushing each and everyone to hit the shower, get dressed and make them eat something to fill up their stomach was no easy task. After succeeded in doing that, she had to drive to school as fast as she can. Another child that hasn't started schooling yet had to be sent to a different place, a day care home. She had to rush to two different routes every morning five times a week.

 If the school is quite close to the house, then most probably she'd drive home to continue with the house chores. First thing, put all the dirty laundry into the washing machine. Then Mr Hubby is going to his office in a short while, his clothes needed to be ironed out. Next, if she has the time,maybe she'd cook a light lunch and leave for the children upon returning from school.
Okay, now she looked around the house, everything looked normal. She can live the house in peace. Oh no, the cat. It has to be brought outside and keep inside the little cage in case it went off somewhere and got stolen or worst still, being run over by a truck. Now at 08:15am ,she can finally leave to the office.

Once arrived, if she's lucky, there wouldn't be too much work-load waiting. She'd have time to sit back and enjoy a few hours of blissfulness on her own. Otherwise, her head would be buried into the paper work and squinting her eyes at the computer screen for the whole time she was there, stopping only for lunch.

During lunch, she'd rushed out not to have a leisurely lunch with her colleagues but rather to pick up the children from school and send them home.  She would then drive back to her work place and carry on with what she was doing earlier.

By five, she's ready to drive home and stopped at another pit-stop, to fetch the youngest from the day care home. En route, she had to stop again at grocery store to get something for dinner tonight. Arrived home, without having time to change her clothes, she'd hurried over to the back lawn to gather up the dry laundry. Once inside, its time to start shouting for the children to clean up themselves and get ready for dinner. While her mouth was busy nagging to the children, her husband arrived home. She had to make some tea for him and maybe toast up a piece of bread for him. She then continued with her dinner. By seven thirty p.m. her dinner is ready and the family will have their dinner.

But her work load didn't finish there, she had to prepare and do some ironing for the children's school uniform for tomorrow morning and take a peek at their home work if it was done.She had to fold up the clean laundry and placed it into each and everybody's drawer.
She would finally be able to put her feet up at about ten o'clock. A little peace around the house. Sigh...

What about the husband? Lets talk about the ones who has the nine to five job. They have the leisure to wake up at, lets say 07:30am? He got up to a quiet house as the children had already left for school. Sit back and browsed through the morning paper with a cup of coffee in one hand. Had a leisurely breakfast and even a leisurely shower. By 08:30, he left for work. The work-load was crazy at times. It took all his time and space. He was exhausted.
Lunch time was a saviour. He could go out for an hour with his colleagues to have a proper lunch without having to rush to fetch the children from school as his work place was slightly further from home.The missus will take care of that.
After lunch, he can breathe easily now that the heavy back log was cleared off visibly. He had some time to work on his current assignment.
He was relieved when the clock strike five. It's time to go home.He drove home slowly and didn't stop anywhere as the missus must have cooked something for dinner. The children were already at home. Upon reaching, the children were happy to see daddy home. He came inside and sat playing with them for a while. Some hot tea is ready for him for afternoon tea.

He sipped his tea and watched some delayed telecast of English football. He dozed off on the sofa unperturbed by his surroundings and children's bickering.
He would soon awake just before dinner is served. He called out the children and together with the missus, they sat and had their dinner. After dinner, it's family quality time. Everybody will be around the little television in the living room watching whatever there is interesting to watch.
He yawned at eleven and soon switch off the light.

Both had to work to provide for family necessities and stability. At every end of the month, both had to chip in to pay for endless bills, home mortgage, car installment and etc...
But women remain the strongest and there was no limit to their sense of responsibility when it comes to looking after their family.

What I think? I think we are a great species. Hands down to us all, women all over the world, for being awesome. We are not denying the men's part in looking after their family but women were simply outstanding. And that's a fact.

Have a great evening,
7th.Oct '13