Salam buat semua,

                                                         SOAL LELAKI

Hari ni jom kita bercakap pasal orang lelaki pula. Kenapa dengan orang lelaki? Sebab kalau dah tak ada cerita yang lebih menarik, orang perempuan suka bercakap pasal orang lelaki. Macam orang lelaki juga, kalau tak cakap pasal perempuan, topic yang menarik ialah kereta atau gadjet terbaru..

Mula-mula kita cakap pasal perangai tak elok mereka.
i) Pemalas tahap gaban. Kalau balik rumah tu, buang baju macam ada house-keeping staff yang akan bersihkan bilik dia. Dah makan, pinggan sebiji pun tak reti nak basuh. Bukan tak ada yang rajin..ada juga, tapi tak ramai.

ii) Yang mana yang handsome sikit tu, dia punya perasan tu lebih dari perempuan. Macam anak lelaki saya. Dia kata sambil melawak.."Ni ada rupa, kira okay lah tu". Amboi perasannya. Saya pun tak mau mengalah menjawab balik, "memang la awak tu ada rupa sikit, tapi gene tu mai dari mana? Dari mama dan abah jugak kan? Hah .Syok jugak kenakan anak kadang-kadang.

iii) Dia orang kalau cakap, selalu fikir dia saja yang betul. Dia buat salah pun, beriya-iya kata betul, kalau betul lagi kuatlah suara dia orang.

iv) Orang lelaki ni, bila dia tahu orang perempuan boleh buat semua kerja, dia akan lepas tangan. Contoh seperti bayar bil, bayar sewa rumah, tingkap kat rumah pecah atau apa-apa saja. Dia orang akan buat tak tahu sebab dia tahu orang perempuan selalunya akan buat juga. Cara terbaik nak elakkan sakit hati, kita pun buat tak tahu, biarkan saja.

v) Ubat gigi: Benda ni rasanya dilalui oleh seluruh penduduk alam iaitu bila nak picit ubat gigi, kenapa picit dari tengah atau atas, salah ke kalau picit dari bawah.

Sifat semulajadi lelaki yang perempuan suka :

i) Kita rasa selamat bila mereka berada disebelah, tak kiralah lelaki itu, suami ke, kekasih ke, anak ke ataupun adik/abang. Time tu kalau nak bergaduh dengan orang pun boleh sebab kita tahu ada orang yang boleh protect kita.

ii) Sifat kepimpinan : Sebab itu Allah jadikan lelaki sebagai imam sebab mereka selalunya tegas dan berani apabila berhadapan dengan masaalah dan sifat ini menjadi  milik mereka sejak azali dan semula-jadi. Sifat-sifat inilah yang selalunya disenangi oleh kaum wanita tapi jangan lah disalah guna pulak.

iii) Lelaki memang jenis yang lasak. Perempuan suka mereka yang aktif dalam sukan dengan bentuk badan yang tegap dan sasa. Kalau muka jambu macam K Pop tu boleh buat kita rasa macam kawan dengan perempuan la pulak. Ingat lelaki je suka tengok badan perempuan?

iv)   Sifat tegas. Tegas itu sexy. Tegas ya, bukan garang . Hah..itu tak sexy, itu buat perempuan menyampah . Bila memberi arahan, gunakan suara tegas bukan menengking. Barulah ramai peminat.

v) Orang lelaki yang kreatif. Bila dia free, dia tengok pagar dah nak jatuh, dia tegakkan balik. Dia tengok basikal buruk masih boleh digunakan, dia modify.. Ini semua orang perempuan tak berapa nak pandai buat, jadi dia suka bila orang lelaki buat kerja2 yang macam ni..nampak macho.

Jadi, orang lelaki, gunakan kelebihan yang Allah Ta'alla anugerahkan kepada anda semua ke jalan yang bermanfaat bukan pergi melepak tak tentu hala.

Rasanya itulah yang dapat saya kongsi untuk hari ini. Kita jumpa di lain kali pula, InsyaAllah..

Rose 28th.June '12

Hello to all out there,
                                           LET'S TALK ABOUT MEN

Today, lets talk about men. Why men? Because that's a favorite topic besides shopping. Just like men, if they 're not talking about cars or newly obtained gadget, then their next favorite topic is..girls.

First, let's talk about bad habits:
i) Highest-rating for laziness goes to...men! Once they got home from work, they'd take off their shirts or pants or underwear and leave it where they were standing. As if in a few moments, a house-keeping staff will be coming and clear all the mess they caused. After meal, the single plate that they used were just left in the washing basin for their old-time favorite person to wash, their mom.
Not that all men are lazy but majority are.

ii) Guys who are good-looking usually are so vain that they thought they can get away with their looks. My son once mischievously said to me, "I got the looks, so I guess I should be alright" (I was nagging because he was skipping school every now and then) of which I replied sweetly, Yeah sure you got the looks but whose gene were there inside you? It came from me and your dad right? So, that makes us better looking than you are. You are only the secondary product. Sometimes it's nice to be on the upper hand than your children.

iii) They always think they are right even when they were wrong. Men!!!

iv) Men like to take advantage of women's helpfulness. Once they know women would usually do these things, they'd shift the responsibility to us. Take for example, paying utility bills, house rent or a broken window, they would ignore it because they knew one way or the other, we will end up doing it.
To avoid heart-sick, just leave it.

v) This problem has affected all house-hold in the whole universe. Tooth-paste! You must be either grinning or grimacing when you reached at this sentence. Yeap.. why can't they press it from the bottom of the tube? Why must it be in the middle or upper neck. God..annoying to the extend of madness. But then, since I am sure they will not change sometime sooner, the next best thing to do is, If you can't beat them, join them.


i) We feel safe and protected with them beside us, be it your husband, your son or brother. They have that power that makes us even ready to pick a fight with anybody out there knowing that our men are by our sides.

ii) Leadership : That is why God created men to be a leader. Some women may not agree with me here. They have these calmness and firmness when faced/shoved with huge amount of workload or problems. They were born with it and this is one of the traits that women find it appealing. Just don't over-do it guys!

iii) Girls like men who is active in outdoor activities. That rugged and  unkempt look attracted women better than the metro sexual type. They've got great healthy bodies. Think only guys admire women's curve? Girls do too, you know? Ehmm...Can this be categorized in positive trait? Well, never mind. As long as girls out there find it okay.

iv) Firm : Firm is sexy. Not harsh. Harshness is so not sexy. In fact it make the girls to want to run away as far as they can. Firm is when men take hold of a situation and deal with it authoritatively.

v) A handy guy. A guy who saw an old bicycle lying at the garage, grab it and work it until it works like normal or clearing up the shrubs behind the house. Those were the things that women don't usually do but like it when men pick up their tools and sweat it out.

So, guys, use the gift that God has bestowed upon you to be a better person not misusing it.

I guess that's all for today. Until then, ciao..

28th.June '12