Saya Orang Kaya?
Salam semua,
Dah lama tak tulis dalam B.M. Hari ni ada banyak masa jadi bolehlah tulis dalam BM.
Pagi ni saya rasa happy. Tak tahu kenapa. Kan kadang-kadang kita bangun tidrr kita rasa happy ataupun kadang2 tu rasa sedih tak tentu pasal. Ahh, hari ni saya rasa happy. Badan saya dah rasa betul betul sihat macam sebelum ni. Cuma kalau terlebih kerja saya cepat letih. Selain dari tu saya dah okay.
Disebabkan rasa ceria hari ni membuatkan saya terfikir, apakah saya akan lebih gembira kalau sekiranya saya punyai duit berbillion. Betul betul kaya. Macam punya rumah besar atau mansion empat, lima buah di serata cerok dunia. Ada yacht yang mewah. Ada Gulfstream jet sendiri yang boleh menerbangkan saya kemana mana dalam sekelip mata. Barisan kereta-kereta mewah seperti Bentley, Maserati ataupun Maybach. Lukisan daripada pelukis terkenal samada Picasso, Van Gogh atau Dali. (saya masih tak faham kenapa orang sanggup membuang duit berjuta-juta untuk lukisan yang kadang2 saya tengok macam lukisan anak kecik saja) Ada empayar perniagaan yang meluas yang boleh membuatkan Donald Trump ternganga mengharapkannya. Phew! Kalau dalam mimpi pun belum tentu saya dapat semua ni!
Apa saya akan buat dengan, katakanlah enam puluh juta? Oh sebelum saya lupa, dulu, bertahun-tahun dulu semasa saya masih muda, saya ada baca satu rencana ni mengenai seorang lelaki kaya yang akan mengambil sarapan pagi di New York, makan tengahari di Milan dan makan malam di Paris. (penulis menulis mengikut turutan begitu) Masa tu saya fikir sendirian. Betul ke cerita ni? Macam tak boleh percaya ja, sekejap N.Y, sekejap Milan sekejap Paris. Lurus bendul betul saya ketika tu. Dia orang dah boleh buat macam ni dari dulu lagi cuma saya yang masih terperuk tak tahu peredaran zaman.
Baik, berbalik pada cerita 60 billion saya tadi. Ehmm, apa yang saya nak buat dengan duit sebanyak tu. Sebagai seorang perempuan, perkara pertama yang datang dalam kotak fikiran ialah.. shopping. Shopping gila-gila. Paling top dalam senarai adalah emas berlian. Sesuatu yang menawan macam keluaran dari Harry Winston atau Chopard pun, kira bolehlah. Saya tak memilih sangat. Tapi saya ni bukan macam perempuan semula jadi. Saya tak minat barang kemas. Saya tak pernah pun punya barang kemas. Tapi tak apalah. Saya beli juga buat simpanan dan pelaburan.
Oh, saya tau apa saya nak. Saya nak pesawat sendiri. Ya, saya mesti tulis di dalam senarai panjang saya. Saya akan cari syarikat penjual jet tersebut dan dapatkan harga yang paling berpatutan. (walaupun kaya harus berjimat-cermat juga) Tapi sekejap! Saya ni suka menyendiri. Saya suka berseorangan. Kalau saya naik pesawat dah tentu ada pilotnya. Tak boleh jadi. Okay, apa kata saya ambil course jangka pendek juruterbang. Then saya boleh bawa sendiri. Tapi saya teruk dalam mata pelajaran fiziks. Dah tentu saya akan gagal nanti. Cuba fikir Rose. Apa yang awak boleh lakukan? Okay dapat dah. Saya kan ada berlambak duit. Saya bayar je la kat tenaga pengajar tu. Lagipun kalau pesawat tu crash bukannya ada penumpang pun.
Apa lagi yang boleh saya lakukan dengan wang sebanyak tu? Saya berharap dari hati sanubari yang saya dapat memberi kebahagian kepada semua umat manusia di muka bumi ni. Saya dapat menjadikan seperti magik bilamana semua orang tersenyum riang dan bersikap naik sesama insan. Dah tak ada lagi dah pembunuhan, tikam belakang, fitnah-memfitnah dan rompakan. Semua ini di lakukan dengan nama mahu mendapatkan wang segera.
Kita lihat dunia sekarang dipenuhi dengan segala macam kejahatan, tamak haloba dan sifat pura-pura atau munafik. Beberapa hari lalu saya terfikir sendirian, saya harap saya dah tak ada lagi di dunia ni apabila manusia menjadi lebih jahat daripada sekarang. Saya takut untuk menghadapi keadaan seperti ini. Saya cuba menerapkan nilai-nilai murni kedalam diri anak-anak tapi itu saja yang dapat saya lakukan. Merekalah yang akan menhadapi dunia akan datang. Moga-moga Allah memelihara mereka dari segala kejahatan.
Saya harap dengan duit sebanyak itu, saya dapat merantau keseluruh dunia dengan satu impian yang baru. Mungkin saya dapat sampai ke salah satu negara dibenua Afrika dan menolong orang-orang yang memerlukan pertolongan. Saya mungkin dapat membuka satu perniagaan keil bagi mereka yang berminat dan saya akan panggil pegawai pemasaran dan strategi saya untuk mengajar mereka cara-cara berniaga.
Kemudian saya akan terbang ke Ethiopia (dengan jet sendiri) dan melihat sendiri kerosakan yang disebabkan oleh cuaca yang amat panas dan kering di sana yang menyebabkan kemiskinan dan kebuluran yang melampau. Saya akan bawa saintis sendiri untuk membuat satu kajian bagaimana nak menghijaukan semula tanah gersang disana dan menjadikannya subur untuk penduduk bercucuk tanam jika di izinkanNya.
Selepas tu saya akan ke Indonesia dan melihat sendiri bagaimana cara untuk menawarkan pekerjaan bagi berjuta juta penduduk yang tiada kerja. Mungkin saya akan buka satu perniagaan kecil di dalam setiap daerah dan mengambil orang tempatan mengerjakannya. Mereka boleh memberi idea yang lebih baik dan ini akan dapat menambah bilangan pekerja bekerja di situ.
Memandangkan orang Indonesia mahir di dalam bidang pertanian, saya akan membeli tanah yang terbiar untuk di usahakan secara besar-besaran dan menanam sayuran dan buah buahan untuk diexsport ke luar negara.
Tapi macam mana caranya saya nak menjalankan empayar saya? Saya lemah di dalam matematik. Saya bukanlah seorang bos yang bagus. Saya terlalu lembut hati dan tak tahu bertegas dengan pekerja.
Inilah masanya kita memerlukan keluarga. Sekaya manapun kita, kita masih memerlukan keluarga. Sokongan moral perlu ada. Tak ada famili macam tak ada makna hidup ini. Seseorang itu boleh tidur berbantalkan wang ringgit tapi itu tidak menjanjikan kebahagiaan. Saya nak bila bangun dari tidur, saya dapat lihat salah seorang wajah ahli keluarga dan duduk bersarapan bersama saya dan bertekak pasal hal yang remeh temeh.
Saya tak mahu hidup, bernafas atau tidur dengan hanya memikirkan tentang wang saja. Keutamaan saya adalah keluarga. Tanpa mereka, 60 billion tak ada ertinya. Pembetulan, ada maknanya tapi bukan sebanyak itu. Terlalu banyak. Bila terlalu banyak, saya akan hilang penghargaan akan apa yang boleh dilakukan dengan wang sebegitu. Saya akan hilang rasa teruja apabila dapat menabung dan menyimpan sedikit wang untuk membeli sesuatu. Anak-anak akan mengambil sikap sambil lewa dan tidak menghargai nilai wang tersebut kerana terlalu mudah memilikinya.
Sudah tentu saya harap saya mempunyai lebih dari apa yang saya ada sekarang supaya saya dapat melancong ketempat yang saya impikan, saya dapat membeli rumah idaman dengan mempunyai lebihan laman supaya dapat bercucuk tanam, dapat mengerjakan haji dan dapat membuka syarikat penerbitan dan menerbitkan buku buku saya sendiri. (buku-buku saya?)
Secara amnya, saya bahagia dengan apa yang saya ada. Setelah berfikir panjang, saya rasa say tak nak lah duit sebanyak tu. Nanti kurang tidur saya memikirkan pasal duit yang banyak tu. Sudah tentu saya akan menghargai sekiranya saya dilebihkan rezeki yang ada sekarang tapi tanpanya pun saya masih selesa.
Saya tak nak bila bangun pagi, saya harus menelaah kertas-kertas kerja dan masalah syarikat yang tak henti-henti. Ahh..stress.
Jadi anda bagaimana? Nak tak dengan duit yang sebegitu banyak. Semuanya terpulang pada kita. Kalau kita seorang yang mahir di dalam bidang matematik dan pengiraan, kenapa tidak?
Okay lah. Dah panjang berjela saya melalut hari ni. Sehingga berjumpa lagi di lain masa.
Salam dari saya,
31st.July '13
A very good morning/afternoon/evening to my dear readers where ever you are!
I am feeling cheerful this morning. No particular reason at all. My body is back to its normal self, functioning well, though at times I can easily get tired if I over exert myself. Other than that I give myself a clean bill of health. Bravo to me! Will that give me another twenty years of life? Ha..ha..who knows. I may reach seventy. It's all in His plan.
Since I am feeling blissful, it got me thinking, will I be any happier if I were to be rich, I mean super rich, wealthier among the wealthiest. Like owning five or six houses or mansions scattered all over the world. A yacht that could be converted into a luxurious pad. A Gulfstream jet that can fly me across the universe in no time at all. A selection of Bentleys, Maseratis and Maybachs. A few selected paintings from great painters such as Picasso, Van Gogh or Dali.( I had no inkling as to why people buying millions of dollars for a painting) A business empire that Donald Trump could only dream about. Phew! Even in my wildest dream I doubt I will ever have one.
What will I do with, lets say sixty billion dollars? Oh before I forgot, you know years ago when I was young, I read an article about this one rich guy who breakfast in New York, lunch in Milan and dinner in Paris (they wrote in such a way) and I thought to myself what an exaggeration. How could a person move from one continent to the other within one day? How naive I was then.
Right, back to my sixty billion dollars. Ehmm..what do I do with it? As a woman, first thing that came to my mind Shopping like crazy. And top of the list is jewelry. Something nice like Harry Winston or Chopard will do. But then I am not a normal everyday girl. I never liked jewelry. I never owned any of them. Oh well, maybe I will just have it for the sake of having them and as an investment.
Oh I know! There's one thing I'd love to have. A jet. My very own private jet. Yes, I must put down on my list and find the dealer with the best price available. But wait a minute. I am a loner. I prefer to be left alone every now and then. I can be on my own flying on my jet but the pilot will be piloting MY jet. No,no, that's not acceptable. I don't want anybody to be with me inside my jet. Oh I know! I am gonna take up a crash course for pilot position. Then I will fly my own jet. But I am hopeless in physics. Surely I'll flunk the test. Think Rose, think. Okay got it. I got money. Loads and loads of it. I could pay my way to pass the test. What a great idea. That settled one problem.
What else would I want to do with that kind of money? I wish with all of my heart I could make each and everyone of human populations happy. I could create magic with that amount of money that suddenly makes people smile and being nice towards everybody. No more killings, back stabbing, slandering or robbing. All in the name of making fast money. We see the world today was filled with vice and greediness and hypocrites. It is scary to live in this world nowadays. I thought to myself a few days ago, I hope I will not be around when people turned nastier than what they are today. I do my best to instill good values to my children but we can only do as much for they are the ones that will face the future in years to come.
I wish with that money, I could explore the whole world in a new light. Maybe I could visit some African countries and quietly be a philanthropist. I could set up a little business for those interested in it and hire my marketing strategist to teach these people how to start a business. Even a small one will do. This gesture will help them survive in a long run.
Then I will fly (in my jet) to Ethiopia. I will see for myself how the climate had caused destruction to the plantation and caused the people there famine and poverty.
I would get my own scientist to do a research on how to green up the dry land and convert it into a fertile land.
I would then fly to Indonesia and see what can be done with the millions of unemployed workers. Maybe I could set up a little business joint in every district and get the locals to work there. They could chip in ideas on how to expend the business thus the company could afford to employ more workers.
Since the Indonesians are good in agriculture, I could purchase some abandoned land and get some man power to work on that land to mass-produce vegetables or fruits and export it overseas.
But how do I run the empire? I am poor in mathematics. I was never a good boss. I give in too easily and never firm with my staff.
This is where the family comes in. However rich or successful one might be, one still need a family. Moral support. Without family, nothing else matters. One can sleep on a bed filled with Benjamin Franklin's face but that still doesn't make one any happier than one wished for. I want to be able to wake up and see any one of my family members next to me and later on had our breakfast together while squabbling of things of unimportant.
I wouldn't want to live, breathe or sleep with money alone. My priority is my family. Without them, the sixty billion doesn't mean anything to me. Correction, it means a lot to me but not that kind of money. It's too much. When it's too much, I will lose the appreciation of what money can buy. I would lose the thrill of saving and having some money through my hard-earned work. The children will take for granted that money comes easy. They could grow up to be selfish and doesn't value money as should be.
I definitely wish I have a little more than what I have today so that I could travel to some places that I've always dream of, I could buy a dream home with a little lawn behind the house so that I could grow some herbs and vegetables, I could perform Haj in Mecca once in my lifetime and I could open my own publishing house and publish my own books. (my own books?)
Overall I am happy and content with my life. After a long thought, I think I'll pass the sixty billion. Thanks but no thanks. It's too much and I will not lose my beauty sleep over it. Sure I would appreciate if I have a little more than what I have today but I am fine as I am now. I don't want to waking up one morning and feeling miserable with loads of paperwork and issues to settle.
So people, would you? I mean would you want to have that kind of money? Would you be happy with that kind of amount? It's all back to us. For those who's got the brain for business and calculations, I'd say go for it.
Out for now. Have a good life ahead people.
Rose 31st.July '13
Assalamuaalaikum semua,
Dah habis kerja2 dapur baru dapat rehat sikit. Bila dah rehat baru dapat nak masukkan entry terbaru.
Bulan puasa ni selalunya kita teringin nak benda yang manis-manis ataupun sejuk-sejuk gitu, kan?
Jadi kemarin, saya buat pancake sikit untuk berbuka. Cuma nak kongsi sikit pasal pancake batter ni, jangan risau kalau cara seseorang menyediakan nya lain dari kita. Janji tepung batter kita tak melekat kat kuali dan sedap dimakan.
Jom kita tengok bahan untuk batter pancake :
2 cawan tpg gandum
2 sudu kecil baking soda
2 sudu besar gula (klu nak pancake yg kurang manis boleh kurangkan gula)
skt garam
1 biji telur
1 cawan susu sejat (fresh milk pun boleh tapi kat rumah habis jd pakai susu sejat saja)
1 potong butter (jangan besar sangat, anggaran 30 gm)
(Butter hendaklah di hilangkan sejuknya dulu.
Pukul gula dan telur sampai hancur dan kembang. Masukkan juga garam.
Masukkan pula susu sejat, tepung dan butter.
Pukul sebentar lagi sehingga tidak berketul.
Biarkan sekejap selama lebih kurang 15 min.
(Kalau nak buat pancake yang biasa tu, masukkan 2 sudu baking powder, baru dia bersarang elok)
Cara memasaknya sama macam kita nak lenggang kuih ketayap.
Ambik satu senduk batter, aliskan sikit butter kat kuali (pakai kuali leper) kita dan bila dah agak panas, tuangkan batter tadi kedalam kuali. Sekarang angkat kuali dan lenggangkan sampai bulat.
Ataupun boleh juga guna senduk tadi dan licinkan batter tadi ke permukaan kuali dengan menggunakan belakang senduk.
Masak sampai kekuningan, lepas tu terbalikkan ke sebelah lain. Sekejap saja. Bila nmpak tepung dah masak bolehlah diangkat.
**Batter yang elok selalunya tidak terlalu likat dan tidak terlalu cair.
Untuk intinya pula kita perlukan 1/2 jagung berkrim (dalam tin)
sikit garam
3 sudu besar gula
3 sudu tepung jagung
1/4 cawan susu segar
Campurkan semmua bahan-bahan ni dan masak sebentar diatas api yang perlahan. Bila dah mendidih tutup api dan biarkan sejuk.
Sekarang ambik inti jagung ni dan letakkan diatas permukaan pancake kita tadi. Kemudian gulung.
Dah siap.
** Kalau tak suka inti jagung, boleh ditukar dengan inti2 lain seperti sardine, inti kelapa atau apa2 saja yang kita suka.
Salam dari saya,
29th.July '13
Dah habis kerja2 dapur baru dapat rehat sikit. Bila dah rehat baru dapat nak masukkan entry terbaru.
Bulan puasa ni selalunya kita teringin nak benda yang manis-manis ataupun sejuk-sejuk gitu, kan?
Jadi kemarin, saya buat pancake sikit untuk berbuka. Cuma nak kongsi sikit pasal pancake batter ni, jangan risau kalau cara seseorang menyediakan nya lain dari kita. Janji tepung batter kita tak melekat kat kuali dan sedap dimakan.
Jom kita tengok bahan untuk batter pancake :
2 cawan tpg gandum
2 sudu kecil baking soda
2 sudu besar gula (klu nak pancake yg kurang manis boleh kurangkan gula)
skt garam
1 biji telur
1 cawan susu sejat (fresh milk pun boleh tapi kat rumah habis jd pakai susu sejat saja)
1 potong butter (jangan besar sangat, anggaran 30 gm)
(Butter hendaklah di hilangkan sejuknya dulu.
Pukul gula dan telur sampai hancur dan kembang. Masukkan juga garam.
Masukkan pula susu sejat, tepung dan butter.
Pukul sebentar lagi sehingga tidak berketul.
Biarkan sekejap selama lebih kurang 15 min.
(Kalau nak buat pancake yang biasa tu, masukkan 2 sudu baking powder, baru dia bersarang elok)
Cara memasaknya sama macam kita nak lenggang kuih ketayap.
Ambik satu senduk batter, aliskan sikit butter kat kuali (pakai kuali leper) kita dan bila dah agak panas, tuangkan batter tadi kedalam kuali. Sekarang angkat kuali dan lenggangkan sampai bulat.
Ataupun boleh juga guna senduk tadi dan licinkan batter tadi ke permukaan kuali dengan menggunakan belakang senduk.
Masak sampai kekuningan, lepas tu terbalikkan ke sebelah lain. Sekejap saja. Bila nmpak tepung dah masak bolehlah diangkat.
**Batter yang elok selalunya tidak terlalu likat dan tidak terlalu cair.
Untuk intinya pula kita perlukan 1/2 jagung berkrim (dalam tin)
sikit garam
3 sudu besar gula
3 sudu tepung jagung
1/4 cawan susu segar
Campurkan semmua bahan-bahan ni dan masak sebentar diatas api yang perlahan. Bila dah mendidih tutup api dan biarkan sejuk.
Sekarang ambik inti jagung ni dan letakkan diatas permukaan pancake kita tadi. Kemudian gulung.
Photos by Ariff Ismail |
Dah siap. |
** Kalau tak suka inti jagung, boleh ditukar dengan inti2 lain seperti sardine, inti kelapa atau apa2 saja yang kita suka.
Salam dari saya,
29th.July '13
Kuih Lopes
Assalamualaikum semua,
Dah masuk hari ketujuh belas kita berpuasa hari ni. Cepat sungguh masa berlalu. Semalam mak cik Rose rajin terlebih. Masak macam-macam. Nasi ayam lah, bihun sup la, goreng cempedak lah dan kuih lopes. Tepung cucur udang pun dah siap buat cuma tak goreng ja sebab banyak sangat pulak nanti tak habis.
Dah lama tak buat kuih ni, rasa kekok pulak nak gulung . Tapi apa pun berhasil. Jadi dengan elok sekali.
Tak susah mana pun nak buat dia cuma renyah sikit.
Jom kita tengok bahan-bahan yang di perlukan:
Pulut 1/2 kilo
Santan 2 ringgit
Gula Merah dan gula melaka (dimasak hingga hancur dan agak likat dan tapiskan)
( boleh dimasak sebanyak mana yang kita suka kemudian lebihannya boleh kita gunakan utk kueh lain.)
Daun pandan 4 helai dan sikit pewarna hijau
Kelapa putih (yg tak ada kerak dia tu)
sikit garam
Daun pisang ( 2 pelepah yang lebar dan di layur. Lapkan bersih)
Kita start dengan pulut. Pulut macam selalu elok direndam dulu. Cepat lembut. Rendam dalam 3 jam.
Kalau ada air kapur boleh dimasukkan dalam 1 sudu teh didalam rendaman beras tadi.
(Air kapur ni boleh buat kueh kita lebih rangup dan elok.)
Blenderkan daun pandan dan tapis. Ambik airnya dan campur dengan sikit pewarna hijau tadi. Juga masukkan sikit garam.
1) Basuh pulut tadi dan toskan. Sekarang kita nak masak pulut ni.
Masukkan kedalam periuk bersama santan dan air pandan tadi. Juga garam.
Anggaran air dan santan macam kita nak masak ketupat. Biar sama paras dengan pulut kita.
Sekarang dengan api yang sederhana perlahan tanak pulut tu seolah2 kita nak masak nasi.
Biarkan agak kering dan tutup periuk dan api.
Biarkan dalam 5 minit sebelum membungkus.
(Kalau terlalu panas tak boleh nak pegang dan dah sejuk pulak susah pulut tu kita nak tekan biar padat.)
2) Daun pisang di potong mengikut saiz yang kita nak. Potong biar besar sikit sebab daun ni senang koyak.
3) Scoop pulut tadi dan letakkan keatas daun pisang macam gambar diatas.
Sekarang gulungkan sambil menekan pulut supaya menjadi se mampat yang boleh.
Mula2 tekan bahagian tengah, lepas tu bahagian tepi yang kita nak ikat dengan tali tu.
Tekan dihujung dia dengan teliti.
Sekarang baru boleh ikat.
4) Bila dah siap semua pulut kita, boleh lah kita rebus. Air macam tadi jugak. Biar sama paras dengan kueh lapis kita.
Masak sampai air kering. Tutup api dan keluarkan lopes kita.
Kalau tak mahu rebus, boleh di stimkan.
5) Kelapa kita tadi bolehlah dilumur sikit dengan garam.
Lopes yang dah sejuk bolehlah kita potong kecil2. Mak Cik Rose guna benang macam zaman dulu2.
Cantik potongan dia dan tak berderai.
6) Gaulkan kelapa tadi dengan kuih lopes dan hidangkan dengan air gula melaka tadi. Ehmm..sedapnya.
Boleh dapat enam ketul dengan setengah kilo beras pulut.
Dah masuk hari ketujuh belas kita berpuasa hari ni. Cepat sungguh masa berlalu. Semalam mak cik Rose rajin terlebih. Masak macam-macam. Nasi ayam lah, bihun sup la, goreng cempedak lah dan kuih lopes. Tepung cucur udang pun dah siap buat cuma tak goreng ja sebab banyak sangat pulak nanti tak habis.
Dah lama tak buat kuih ni, rasa kekok pulak nak gulung . Tapi apa pun berhasil. Jadi dengan elok sekali.
Tak susah mana pun nak buat dia cuma renyah sikit.
Jom kita tengok bahan-bahan yang di perlukan:
![]() |
antara bahan yang diperlukan |
Pulut 1/2 kilo
Santan 2 ringgit
Gula Merah dan gula melaka (dimasak hingga hancur dan agak likat dan tapiskan)
( boleh dimasak sebanyak mana yang kita suka kemudian lebihannya boleh kita gunakan utk kueh lain.)
Daun pandan 4 helai dan sikit pewarna hijau
Kelapa putih (yg tak ada kerak dia tu)
sikit garam
Daun pisang ( 2 pelepah yang lebar dan di layur. Lapkan bersih)
Kita start dengan pulut. Pulut macam selalu elok direndam dulu. Cepat lembut. Rendam dalam 3 jam.
Kalau ada air kapur boleh dimasukkan dalam 1 sudu teh didalam rendaman beras tadi.
(Air kapur ni boleh buat kueh kita lebih rangup dan elok.)
Blenderkan daun pandan dan tapis. Ambik airnya dan campur dengan sikit pewarna hijau tadi. Juga masukkan sikit garam.
1) Basuh pulut tadi dan toskan. Sekarang kita nak masak pulut ni.
Masukkan kedalam periuk bersama santan dan air pandan tadi. Juga garam.
Anggaran air dan santan macam kita nak masak ketupat. Biar sama paras dengan pulut kita.
Sekarang dengan api yang sederhana perlahan tanak pulut tu seolah2 kita nak masak nasi.
Biarkan agak kering dan tutup periuk dan api.
Biarkan dalam 5 minit sebelum membungkus.
(Kalau terlalu panas tak boleh nak pegang dan dah sejuk pulak susah pulut tu kita nak tekan biar padat.)
2) Daun pisang di potong mengikut saiz yang kita nak. Potong biar besar sikit sebab daun ni senang koyak.
3) Scoop pulut tadi dan letakkan keatas daun pisang macam gambar diatas.
Sekarang gulungkan sambil menekan pulut supaya menjadi se mampat yang boleh.
Mula2 tekan bahagian tengah, lepas tu bahagian tepi yang kita nak ikat dengan tali tu.
Tekan dihujung dia dengan teliti.
Sekarang baru boleh ikat.
4) Bila dah siap semua pulut kita, boleh lah kita rebus. Air macam tadi jugak. Biar sama paras dengan kueh lapis kita.
Masak sampai air kering. Tutup api dan keluarkan lopes kita.
Kalau tak mahu rebus, boleh di stimkan.
5) Kelapa kita tadi bolehlah dilumur sikit dengan garam.
Lopes yang dah sejuk bolehlah kita potong kecil2. Mak Cik Rose guna benang macam zaman dulu2.
Cantik potongan dia dan tak berderai. |
Boleh dapat enam ketul dengan setengah kilo beras pulut.
Gambar oleh Ariff Ismail |
Costing : Beras pulut setengah kilo : RM 2.25
Santan : RM 2.00
Gula melaka/merah : RM 1.00
Kelapa parut : RM 1.00
Daun pisang : Free
Daun pandan : Free
Total : RM 6.25sen
Hidangan : 8 orang
Murah dan sedapkan?
Nanti cuba ya!
Tips : Kalau pulut lopes ni dapat banyak ketul dan takut nanti tak habis makan pulak, simpan dalam freezer kita. Bila nak makan, keluarkan dan de-frost dulu kemudian baru rebus. Elok macam baru dibuat.
Salam dari saya,
26th.July '13
Be Brave To Be Who We Are
Hello, We meet again!
Today is the sixteenth day we are fasting. I feel like we had just started a few days ago. How time flies. That applies to us as well. We're getting older without realizing it. The babies that we sung lullabies just not so long ago has now grown to be a young man or ladies. We cherished the time we been able to spend with them for the past few years and now they are about to venture into a more challenging lives on their own.
How well do we know our children? Many of us would say "I know my son/daughter very well. He/She wouldn't do that kind of thing." Cliche. The actual fact is, none of us know our children that well. Heck, we don't even know ourselves that well. We thought we were.
Looking at the youngsters behaviour nowadays can at times scares the wit out of you. I especially want to talk about Malay youngsters these days. Many of the children, that include me, grew up watching far too many American movies. Many of these movies portrayed young people as charismatic, macho, happening, what have you, what have you. In the movies, they looked cool partying in a big house or mansion with lots of alcohol and drugs being passed around. They'd drive a cool car, they'd date the most popular and gorgeous looking available and they hang out stylishly with one hand holding a bottle of champagne while the other hand is on a pretty girl's hip. These misguided act had an over-powering value towards the young adults especially those from rural areas. Movies were not to be blamed. We are! I am sure at these age (around 18 to 24) they know what they are doing and to define the rights from the wrongs.
These youngsters came to big cosmopolitan city like Kuala Lumpur to further their studies or they might have been offered a job there. All the while they lived in a little village with a small town as their hip destination. Suddenly they were thrust into the middle of a concrete jungle (city) that moves at a rapid pace of which they literally and unknowingly faced a culture shock.
Thus begin their lives as portrayed in the movies. They wanted to be seen and accepted as the "in" group.They'd do as they were told and they'd do what they had seen, without compulsion. They wouldn't want to be seen as left behind. They started to frequent some clubs with some new found friends. They were later introduced to some kind of drinks that they'd never tasted before. They braved themselves to show that they can accept it even though their conscience may not agree with their doings.
Sophie told me the other day, "Ma, the other day I saw some malay girls eating out in the open.(For those who doesn't know, eating in the open is prohibited for Muslims during day time in Ramadhan month, in Malaysia). To me, these youngsters were either ignorant or trying to be liberal about the whole thing or thought they'd look cool eating out with some other friends (from other ethnics) . In Malaysia, it would be awkward and embarrassing for A Muslim/Malay to eat in a broad daylight during Ramadhan month. One can eat but discreetly. Ramadhan month is considered a holy month so every Muslim should at least respect the month by not eating in the open.
These young adults got themselves carried away a bit too far. The five times daily prayer was forgotten. All in the name of being liberal and modern. They change the way they speak. They speak about the latest fashion and yet they don't actually know what fashion is suitable for them. They speak about love and yet they got cheated by someone who claimed he will love them forever. They speak worldly about everything and yet they don't know what's going on around them.
These children were not prepared to be in this new world yet. They just wanted to be accepted by the new surroundings.
Poor kids. When one tried too hard to be accepted in a certain circle or group of friends, one will always find that they had placed a wrong foot ahead. Some would go as far as being a call girl or a social escort. All these because they wanted to live like a rich kid. They felt ashamed wearing T-Shirts which may cost about RM20.00 They wanted a Calvin Klein T-Shirt that could easily touched RM 100.00. They knew full well that their parents couldn't afford it. So the only way out is by doing something even they themselves loathe doing it.
When Sophie was about to leave for U.S. last year (she was there for six months),she was quite intimidated by things she heard and saw on T.V. Coupled with being an eighteen year old at that time, that kind of freaked her out a little. I told her to be who you are. People want to see the real you. You don't have to be more American than the American. You carry on with your daily prayers as usual, you eat what they eat, just tell them politely that as a Muslim you are forbidden to take any pork or liquor. Other than that, just follow the flow. Her teachers at the first school she went, was great when they went out all the way to find a vacant room for her to pray during school hours. Her host parents, Lisa & Kevin McAllister had been exceptionally amazing throughout her stay. They took her in and did the best to accommodate a Muslim girl in their home for six months without prejudice. I am forever grateful to Lisa & Kevin for being a great parents to her while she was there.
What I am trying to say is, we don't have to be another person just to fit in. If people around us cannot accept us as who we truly are, then there's no point to hang out with them. Those people can't be categorized as true friends for true friends will accept us the way we are.
So children, you don't have to drink or dress up in expensive clothes or looking pretty all the time to find friends. Be yourself and I assure you, you'll be way happier that way.
Be proud to be you. Be proud to be a Muslim, Christian, Hindu or Buddhist. Stick to what you stand for or believe in. You shouldn't be swayed by what others have to say. Don't be afraid to be firm.
If you want to be accepted by others just be nice, be a good listener, be intellectual and be yourself. Don't over exert, just stay moderate. You'll be amazed by how people will look up to you.
Okay, that's all for today folks. Until next entry, have a safe day and be good!
25th.July '13
Today is the sixteenth day we are fasting. I feel like we had just started a few days ago. How time flies. That applies to us as well. We're getting older without realizing it. The babies that we sung lullabies just not so long ago has now grown to be a young man or ladies. We cherished the time we been able to spend with them for the past few years and now they are about to venture into a more challenging lives on their own.
How well do we know our children? Many of us would say "I know my son/daughter very well. He/She wouldn't do that kind of thing." Cliche. The actual fact is, none of us know our children that well. Heck, we don't even know ourselves that well. We thought we were.
Looking at the youngsters behaviour nowadays can at times scares the wit out of you. I especially want to talk about Malay youngsters these days. Many of the children, that include me, grew up watching far too many American movies. Many of these movies portrayed young people as charismatic, macho, happening, what have you, what have you. In the movies, they looked cool partying in a big house or mansion with lots of alcohol and drugs being passed around. They'd drive a cool car, they'd date the most popular and gorgeous looking available and they hang out stylishly with one hand holding a bottle of champagne while the other hand is on a pretty girl's hip. These misguided act had an over-powering value towards the young adults especially those from rural areas. Movies were not to be blamed. We are! I am sure at these age (around 18 to 24) they know what they are doing and to define the rights from the wrongs.
These youngsters came to big cosmopolitan city like Kuala Lumpur to further their studies or they might have been offered a job there. All the while they lived in a little village with a small town as their hip destination. Suddenly they were thrust into the middle of a concrete jungle (city) that moves at a rapid pace of which they literally and unknowingly faced a culture shock.
Thus begin their lives as portrayed in the movies. They wanted to be seen and accepted as the "in" group.They'd do as they were told and they'd do what they had seen, without compulsion. They wouldn't want to be seen as left behind. They started to frequent some clubs with some new found friends. They were later introduced to some kind of drinks that they'd never tasted before. They braved themselves to show that they can accept it even though their conscience may not agree with their doings.
Sophie told me the other day, "Ma, the other day I saw some malay girls eating out in the open.(For those who doesn't know, eating in the open is prohibited for Muslims during day time in Ramadhan month, in Malaysia). To me, these youngsters were either ignorant or trying to be liberal about the whole thing or thought they'd look cool eating out with some other friends (from other ethnics) . In Malaysia, it would be awkward and embarrassing for A Muslim/Malay to eat in a broad daylight during Ramadhan month. One can eat but discreetly. Ramadhan month is considered a holy month so every Muslim should at least respect the month by not eating in the open.
These young adults got themselves carried away a bit too far. The five times daily prayer was forgotten. All in the name of being liberal and modern. They change the way they speak. They speak about the latest fashion and yet they don't actually know what fashion is suitable for them. They speak about love and yet they got cheated by someone who claimed he will love them forever. They speak worldly about everything and yet they don't know what's going on around them.
These children were not prepared to be in this new world yet. They just wanted to be accepted by the new surroundings.
Poor kids. When one tried too hard to be accepted in a certain circle or group of friends, one will always find that they had placed a wrong foot ahead. Some would go as far as being a call girl or a social escort. All these because they wanted to live like a rich kid. They felt ashamed wearing T-Shirts which may cost about RM20.00 They wanted a Calvin Klein T-Shirt that could easily touched RM 100.00. They knew full well that their parents couldn't afford it. So the only way out is by doing something even they themselves loathe doing it.
When Sophie was about to leave for U.S. last year (she was there for six months),she was quite intimidated by things she heard and saw on T.V. Coupled with being an eighteen year old at that time, that kind of freaked her out a little. I told her to be who you are. People want to see the real you. You don't have to be more American than the American. You carry on with your daily prayers as usual, you eat what they eat, just tell them politely that as a Muslim you are forbidden to take any pork or liquor. Other than that, just follow the flow. Her teachers at the first school she went, was great when they went out all the way to find a vacant room for her to pray during school hours. Her host parents, Lisa & Kevin McAllister had been exceptionally amazing throughout her stay. They took her in and did the best to accommodate a Muslim girl in their home for six months without prejudice. I am forever grateful to Lisa & Kevin for being a great parents to her while she was there.
What I am trying to say is, we don't have to be another person just to fit in. If people around us cannot accept us as who we truly are, then there's no point to hang out with them. Those people can't be categorized as true friends for true friends will accept us the way we are.
So children, you don't have to drink or dress up in expensive clothes or looking pretty all the time to find friends. Be yourself and I assure you, you'll be way happier that way.
Be proud to be you. Be proud to be a Muslim, Christian, Hindu or Buddhist. Stick to what you stand for or believe in. You shouldn't be swayed by what others have to say. Don't be afraid to be firm.
If you want to be accepted by others just be nice, be a good listener, be intellectual and be yourself. Don't over exert, just stay moderate. You'll be amazed by how people will look up to you.
Okay, that's all for today folks. Until next entry, have a safe day and be good!
25th.July '13
Music To My Ears
Rise and shine everybody!
It's a beautiful day with the sound of birds chirping and the golden rays from the morning sun makes one at awe with His creation. Too bad I got a tiny yard at home to take a morning walk and to breathe in the crisps of the morning air. I sounded a little poetic, eh? Oh well, when one gets older, one tend to be a little nostalgic.
I was doing a little morning walk on my own this morning, not so much as in exercise but rather enjoying the quietness of Sunday morning and the chill air. Passing by one house, I heard an old song at a distance. An old song my grandma used to love. It brought me back beautiful memories when she was still around and it brought tears to my eyes. She was a beautiful person and I have never stopped loving her to this day. In her quiet way, I knew she loved music but she didn't make it obvious like I do.
I love music. Remember in one of my blogs I said I wanted to be a jazz singer. It's true. I was really into music but back then, families usually were not as open as nowadays so I kept it to myself and sing lullabies to my children. Hey! That kind of work, you know. At least two of them were like me, have good ears over music. Ariff, my eldest, got a good singing voice. And Sophie. She even sang the old song whenever she heard me humming. Full lyrics, mind you. Even I would get lost midway,forgot the lyrics. I mean.
When I was young, I was crazy over Barry Manilow and Barbra Streisand's songs. Remember Manilows' I write the song & Somewhere in the night? I would play it over and over again.I never get tired listening to that song. And Streisand's Memories and Somewhere? I feel this Somewhere song can only be sang by her alone. Soulful and it reached deep into my heart. I loved James Ingram Just Once. It has a powerful impact on me. Not only the lyrics but the song itself. I have our local singers of which I truly admire them. There was Sheila Majid, a petite singer yet with a beautiful voice who sang mostly jazzy songs. In contrast to her, there was Yusni Hamid. I am sure many don't know who she is. She wasn't a popular singer then but she has deep smoky voice. And she sings Malay Traditional (Melayu Asli) songs superbly.
Then came Whitney Houston. And I thought to myself, if God were to ask what do I want in my life, I would without doubt picked to have a voice like hers. I was so crazy over her that I sometimes envisioned I looked like her.
I understand and feel music as if it's flowing within me. I was never a musician, never played a single instrument at any one time in my life, yet I appreciate it like a pro. Besides writing, music is my numero uno love. Whenever I watched any singing program from reality show namely American Idol or The Voice or anything, I can pick those with voices I feel promising and by the end of the show the judges would pick the same. Not all but most of it. See how I blend in with music.
Listening to Richard Clayderman's Ballade pour Adeline or Kenny G's Forever In Love makes me weep all the time. I used to own a cassette tape of these two artists and placed it inside my car. Whenever I am inside the car and feeling depress, I would play it over and over again. Silly me, I knew it will make me cry and yet I kept on playing it. It's beautiful. It's timeless.
I can even appreciate the soprano's Pavarotti's song, though I don't understand a single word in his songs. But I loved it all the same.
I can't say the same for ballet though. To me, it's plain boring. Nor the arts. People can fetch million and millions of dollars for these paintings but I don't see anything within those paintings. I don't know what's the big fuss over Monalisa's smile. Someone should portrait me as well so that I could give a mystery look something like squinting my eyes and frowning with a smile at the corner of my mouth. Try and crack that look, people. Will I worth millions?
I just don't see any significance in buying those child-like scribbling called painting. I don't have it in me to appreciate these kind of arts. To me it's a waste of money. If one were to bring me and walk through an art gallery, I think I would find a corner and take a nap while others browse around.
Besides Quran reading (for Muslims), listening to good music can help us loosen up and relax our body and mind. As long as it isn't that incoherent heavy metal or top of the voice screaming sound, I am fine by it all.
I always and forever will love music. To feel the music in depth will bring the fine feeling within us. At least I am.
That's all for today friends.
21st.July '13
It's a beautiful day with the sound of birds chirping and the golden rays from the morning sun makes one at awe with His creation. Too bad I got a tiny yard at home to take a morning walk and to breathe in the crisps of the morning air. I sounded a little poetic, eh? Oh well, when one gets older, one tend to be a little nostalgic.
I was doing a little morning walk on my own this morning, not so much as in exercise but rather enjoying the quietness of Sunday morning and the chill air. Passing by one house, I heard an old song at a distance. An old song my grandma used to love. It brought me back beautiful memories when she was still around and it brought tears to my eyes. She was a beautiful person and I have never stopped loving her to this day. In her quiet way, I knew she loved music but she didn't make it obvious like I do.
I love music. Remember in one of my blogs I said I wanted to be a jazz singer. It's true. I was really into music but back then, families usually were not as open as nowadays so I kept it to myself and sing lullabies to my children. Hey! That kind of work, you know. At least two of them were like me, have good ears over music. Ariff, my eldest, got a good singing voice. And Sophie. She even sang the old song whenever she heard me humming. Full lyrics, mind you. Even I would get lost midway,forgot the lyrics. I mean.
When I was young, I was crazy over Barry Manilow and Barbra Streisand's songs. Remember Manilows' I write the song & Somewhere in the night? I would play it over and over again.I never get tired listening to that song. And Streisand's Memories and Somewhere? I feel this Somewhere song can only be sang by her alone. Soulful and it reached deep into my heart. I loved James Ingram Just Once. It has a powerful impact on me. Not only the lyrics but the song itself. I have our local singers of which I truly admire them. There was Sheila Majid, a petite singer yet with a beautiful voice who sang mostly jazzy songs. In contrast to her, there was Yusni Hamid. I am sure many don't know who she is. She wasn't a popular singer then but she has deep smoky voice. And she sings Malay Traditional (Melayu Asli) songs superbly.
Then came Whitney Houston. And I thought to myself, if God were to ask what do I want in my life, I would without doubt picked to have a voice like hers. I was so crazy over her that I sometimes envisioned I looked like her.
I understand and feel music as if it's flowing within me. I was never a musician, never played a single instrument at any one time in my life, yet I appreciate it like a pro. Besides writing, music is my numero uno love. Whenever I watched any singing program from reality show namely American Idol or The Voice or anything, I can pick those with voices I feel promising and by the end of the show the judges would pick the same. Not all but most of it. See how I blend in with music.
Listening to Richard Clayderman's Ballade pour Adeline or Kenny G's Forever In Love makes me weep all the time. I used to own a cassette tape of these two artists and placed it inside my car. Whenever I am inside the car and feeling depress, I would play it over and over again. Silly me, I knew it will make me cry and yet I kept on playing it. It's beautiful. It's timeless.
I can even appreciate the soprano's Pavarotti's song, though I don't understand a single word in his songs. But I loved it all the same.
I can't say the same for ballet though. To me, it's plain boring. Nor the arts. People can fetch million and millions of dollars for these paintings but I don't see anything within those paintings. I don't know what's the big fuss over Monalisa's smile. Someone should portrait me as well so that I could give a mystery look something like squinting my eyes and frowning with a smile at the corner of my mouth. Try and crack that look, people. Will I worth millions?
I just don't see any significance in buying those child-like scribbling called painting. I don't have it in me to appreciate these kind of arts. To me it's a waste of money. If one were to bring me and walk through an art gallery, I think I would find a corner and take a nap while others browse around.
Besides Quran reading (for Muslims), listening to good music can help us loosen up and relax our body and mind. As long as it isn't that incoherent heavy metal or top of the voice screaming sound, I am fine by it all.
I always and forever will love music. To feel the music in depth will bring the fine feeling within us. At least I am.
That's all for today friends.
21st.July '13
Sago Gula Melaka
Salam Ramadhan buat semua,
Semua tentu dah berbuka sebentar tadi. Hari ni kami berempat kat rumah. Saya masak semuanya. Malas nak keluar cari makanan kat luar. Pulak tu, terlebih rajin sikit terus buat dessert iaitu Sago Gula Melaka. Senang sangat2 nak buat dia. Kalau ada yang tak tahu boleh ikut resipi ni.
Kita perlukan :
Biji sago (kuantitinya ikut keperluan di rumah kita sendiri)
1 keping gula kabong dan 5 sudu besar gula merah
sikit garam
santan pekat
1) Pertama sekali rendam sekejap sago tadi biar kembang sekejap. Biarkan.
2) Selepas tu, kita masak gula melaka dan gula merah sekali. Masukkan air anggaran 1 cawan. Kacau sekali sekala. Masak sehingga agak likat. Bila dah masak angkat dan tapiskan kedalam mangkuk.
3) Santan pekat boleh kita beli yang dah siap di market.
Sekarang kita masak sago yang telah kita toskan dulu. Masak air sampai mendidih dan masukkan sago. Paras air lebih kurang dua takat jari kita melebihi sago. Taburkan sikit garam. Sikit saja tau.
Kalau nak buat lebih menarik, boleh masukkan pewarna. Kalau tak biarkan saja warna asli sago tu.
Kalau sentiasa, jangan henti. Bila biji sago dah bertukar warna menjadi jernih atau translucent bolehlah kita tutupkan api dan biarkan sekejap.
Sekarang, bolehlah dicedok masuk kedalam cawan atau mangkok.
Masukkan sikit santan dan juga air gula tadi. Manisnya ikut keperluan sendiri.
Costing : Biji sago : RM 1.50
Santan : RM 1.00
Gula Melaka : RM 0.40 ( 2 keping)
Gua merah : RM 0.30
Jumlah : RM 3.20 untuk 6 orang
Selamat mencuba.
Salam dari saya,
20th.July '13
Semua tentu dah berbuka sebentar tadi. Hari ni kami berempat kat rumah. Saya masak semuanya. Malas nak keluar cari makanan kat luar. Pulak tu, terlebih rajin sikit terus buat dessert iaitu Sago Gula Melaka. Senang sangat2 nak buat dia. Kalau ada yang tak tahu boleh ikut resipi ni.
Kita perlukan :
Biji sago (kuantitinya ikut keperluan di rumah kita sendiri)
1 keping gula kabong dan 5 sudu besar gula merah
sikit garam
santan pekat
1) Pertama sekali rendam sekejap sago tadi biar kembang sekejap. Biarkan.
2) Selepas tu, kita masak gula melaka dan gula merah sekali. Masukkan air anggaran 1 cawan. Kacau sekali sekala. Masak sehingga agak likat. Bila dah masak angkat dan tapiskan kedalam mangkuk.
3) Santan pekat boleh kita beli yang dah siap di market.
Sekarang kita masak sago yang telah kita toskan dulu. Masak air sampai mendidih dan masukkan sago. Paras air lebih kurang dua takat jari kita melebihi sago. Taburkan sikit garam. Sikit saja tau.
Kalau nak buat lebih menarik, boleh masukkan pewarna. Kalau tak biarkan saja warna asli sago tu.
Kalau sentiasa, jangan henti. Bila biji sago dah bertukar warna menjadi jernih atau translucent bolehlah kita tutupkan api dan biarkan sekejap.
Sekarang, bolehlah dicedok masuk kedalam cawan atau mangkok. |
Masukkan sikit santan dan juga air gula tadi. Manisnya ikut keperluan sendiri.
photos by Ahmad Ariff |
Santan : RM 1.00
Gula Melaka : RM 0.40 ( 2 keping)
Gua merah : RM 0.30
Jumlah : RM 3.20 untuk 6 orang
Selamat mencuba.
Salam dari saya,
20th.July '13
Being a Muslim
Fasting month has made me productive, in term of writing. This is because, I am almost free from daily house chores such as doing laundry or cooking. I truly love it! Waking up at about 4.45am each morning to prepare some light meals to start our day of fasting. I didn't go back to sleep after that. I just clean up the dishes, do some clothes ironing for my husband, perform my dawn prayer and by seven something I will be sending Sara to school. After 7.30am, I'll be free. I will only be busy preparing meals for breaking the fast later in the afternoon.
About five something later in the afternoon, I started cooking and preparing meals to breaking the fast. Rice is a must for almost every household in Malaysia. Last night I made some black sauce beef, hot sauce chicken, some pan fried fish and mixed vegetables with salted fish. For dessert I made some sweet potatoes cubes laced with brown sugar and coconut cream.
Yesterday, the time for breaking the fast was at 7.42pm (for Langkawi area). It's very quiet nowadays since the two boys ,Ariff & Soffian were in the afternoon shift and Sophie was away in college, that only left three of us at home, my husband, Sara and me. After the fast breaking, we got ready for Terawih prayer at the nearby mosque. This prayer will only be performed during Ramadhan month. It is not compulsory as the five times daily prayer that we were obliged to do but it is encouraged for all to perform. I don't do it everyday but I do it whenever time and health permits. I find it so heart warming whenever we were at the mosque. It's buzzing. Some jemaah (congregation members) were kind enough to bring in some food to be shared together. It's festive like. To me the best was when the Imam lead the prayer and the rest of us will follow suit. What I find amazing was when he,(the imam) only read one sentence but all of us will automatically know what to do instinctively, no matter which part of the world we're in.
Living the life of being a Muslim isn't as confined and suffocating as one would think. Islam never constrict its followers to become lame and inane. Quran and Hadith was to be the guideline for the Muslims. There's reasons why some things were totally forbidden for Muslim to do. Take for example, liquor. Why was it forbidden? Because it could lead to calamity or self destruction. Another example, why women should cover themselves? To avoid the ogling and wandering eyes of men. It all started from the eyes, then it leads to desire and then it leads to something further. When that happened, it could trigger jealousy,slandering and it could even break a strong-based marriage. Here;s another one, same sex marriage. Our God, Allah, has made it clear that He created men and women to pair each other up hence produce children to fill up the world. What were to happen if one day everybody wants to marry the gender same as theirs? Let's say they adopt a child. How would the child feel when he/she was being ridiculed by other children at school? Some may argue this is human rights. In my humble opinion, even human rights has its limit.
From my point of view, if one is not happy with the rules and guidelines stated in the Holy Quran, then don't follow. Ignore it. Only thing is, a Muslim knew it full well that they were committing sin if they go against the teaching. But then again so does other religion. There's no difference in it. We do good we get the reward, the Heaven, we do bad we get another kind of reward,we go to hell (no pun intended). Quran words or alphabets was never altered, not even a single word since 610AD. It was preserved to guide mankind until the end of the world. Like Bible, Quran is for us to live our lives like a true human being. Without it, we could be equated to animals. No laws to abide to. Human become uncontrollable.
I don't understand why people everywhere have so much hatred against Islam. Islam is beautiful. The ugliness comes from the person who carries the identity of a Muslim and tarnished it with their extreme action and words.
I am a moderate Muslim. I pray as He wants,I fast during Ramadhan month, I pay tithe if and when I can afford it without compulsion. Islam even teach us to be kind and good especially towards others who are not Muslims. This is to show that Islam acknowledge other human beings the same as Muslims as we all were created by the same God.
Other than that I lead a normal life just like everybody else. I watch movies (I love Denzel Washington,by the way) as and when it pleases me. I sing karaoke to my heart out. I went window shopping and went out with my girlfriends for a chat. I told my children to live their life to the fullest. Wear hijab when they are totally ready and sincere, not doing it because it's fashionably so or because everybody else is doing it.
Whenever we do something, it should come from our heart. Because that is where the sincerity lies. One may come out with 101 beautiful quotes but if it didn't reach our hearts, then it is empty.
It saddened me when people crack a joke about my religion. Religion is something sacred to all mankind. I have never heard any Muslim make fun of Lord Buddha in the open. I never heard any one Muslim make a movie to disgrace Jesus openly. But our prophet, Muhammad had been ridiculed many a time over, through caricature paintings, movie or verbal abuse. We should be considerate and understanding towards each other. Muslims are patriotic when it comes to their religion and prophet. This is one of the reasons why the Muslim extremists carried out the suicidal bombings all over the world of which I truly against it. That is just not right because it involved the innocence.
Malaysia is a Muslim country with about fifty four percent Muslims living in it. We were taught about the values of being a Muslim since we were at a very tender age. Starting with a 5 times daily prayers, we were later introduced to fasting (no eating and drinking during daytime) , then Quran reading (meaning we had to learn the Arabic alphabets though many of us still don't fully understand the meaning of every sentences). Alhamdulilah, (means Praised be to Allah) we had finally absorbed some of the teachings into our life for our own good. Please do not judge all Muslims as terrorists. Come and visit our country and you will see for yourselves how the Muslims here live. We are a peaceful community and most of us are law abiding citizens. Overall we are moderate Muslims who loves our religion and at the same time respect the others.
I am proud to be a Muslim and I will pray for all of us to be well and able to live in a peaceful world without overwhelming hatred and prejudice towards one another.
16th.July '13
About five something later in the afternoon, I started cooking and preparing meals to breaking the fast. Rice is a must for almost every household in Malaysia. Last night I made some black sauce beef, hot sauce chicken, some pan fried fish and mixed vegetables with salted fish. For dessert I made some sweet potatoes cubes laced with brown sugar and coconut cream.
Yesterday, the time for breaking the fast was at 7.42pm (for Langkawi area). It's very quiet nowadays since the two boys ,Ariff & Soffian were in the afternoon shift and Sophie was away in college, that only left three of us at home, my husband, Sara and me. After the fast breaking, we got ready for Terawih prayer at the nearby mosque. This prayer will only be performed during Ramadhan month. It is not compulsory as the five times daily prayer that we were obliged to do but it is encouraged for all to perform. I don't do it everyday but I do it whenever time and health permits. I find it so heart warming whenever we were at the mosque. It's buzzing. Some jemaah (congregation members) were kind enough to bring in some food to be shared together. It's festive like. To me the best was when the Imam lead the prayer and the rest of us will follow suit. What I find amazing was when he,(the imam) only read one sentence but all of us will automatically know what to do instinctively, no matter which part of the world we're in.
Living the life of being a Muslim isn't as confined and suffocating as one would think. Islam never constrict its followers to become lame and inane. Quran and Hadith was to be the guideline for the Muslims. There's reasons why some things were totally forbidden for Muslim to do. Take for example, liquor. Why was it forbidden? Because it could lead to calamity or self destruction. Another example, why women should cover themselves? To avoid the ogling and wandering eyes of men. It all started from the eyes, then it leads to desire and then it leads to something further. When that happened, it could trigger jealousy,slandering and it could even break a strong-based marriage. Here;s another one, same sex marriage. Our God, Allah, has made it clear that He created men and women to pair each other up hence produce children to fill up the world. What were to happen if one day everybody wants to marry the gender same as theirs? Let's say they adopt a child. How would the child feel when he/she was being ridiculed by other children at school? Some may argue this is human rights. In my humble opinion, even human rights has its limit.
From my point of view, if one is not happy with the rules and guidelines stated in the Holy Quran, then don't follow. Ignore it. Only thing is, a Muslim knew it full well that they were committing sin if they go against the teaching. But then again so does other religion. There's no difference in it. We do good we get the reward, the Heaven, we do bad we get another kind of reward,we go to hell (no pun intended). Quran words or alphabets was never altered, not even a single word since 610AD. It was preserved to guide mankind until the end of the world. Like Bible, Quran is for us to live our lives like a true human being. Without it, we could be equated to animals. No laws to abide to. Human become uncontrollable.
I don't understand why people everywhere have so much hatred against Islam. Islam is beautiful. The ugliness comes from the person who carries the identity of a Muslim and tarnished it with their extreme action and words.
I am a moderate Muslim. I pray as He wants,I fast during Ramadhan month, I pay tithe if and when I can afford it without compulsion. Islam even teach us to be kind and good especially towards others who are not Muslims. This is to show that Islam acknowledge other human beings the same as Muslims as we all were created by the same God.
Other than that I lead a normal life just like everybody else. I watch movies (I love Denzel Washington,by the way) as and when it pleases me. I sing karaoke to my heart out. I went window shopping and went out with my girlfriends for a chat. I told my children to live their life to the fullest. Wear hijab when they are totally ready and sincere, not doing it because it's fashionably so or because everybody else is doing it.
Whenever we do something, it should come from our heart. Because that is where the sincerity lies. One may come out with 101 beautiful quotes but if it didn't reach our hearts, then it is empty.
It saddened me when people crack a joke about my religion. Religion is something sacred to all mankind. I have never heard any Muslim make fun of Lord Buddha in the open. I never heard any one Muslim make a movie to disgrace Jesus openly. But our prophet, Muhammad had been ridiculed many a time over, through caricature paintings, movie or verbal abuse. We should be considerate and understanding towards each other. Muslims are patriotic when it comes to their religion and prophet. This is one of the reasons why the Muslim extremists carried out the suicidal bombings all over the world of which I truly against it. That is just not right because it involved the innocence.
Malaysia is a Muslim country with about fifty four percent Muslims living in it. We were taught about the values of being a Muslim since we were at a very tender age. Starting with a 5 times daily prayers, we were later introduced to fasting (no eating and drinking during daytime) , then Quran reading (meaning we had to learn the Arabic alphabets though many of us still don't fully understand the meaning of every sentences). Alhamdulilah, (means Praised be to Allah) we had finally absorbed some of the teachings into our life for our own good. Please do not judge all Muslims as terrorists. Come and visit our country and you will see for yourselves how the Muslims here live. We are a peaceful community and most of us are law abiding citizens. Overall we are moderate Muslims who loves our religion and at the same time respect the others.
I am proud to be a Muslim and I will pray for all of us to be well and able to live in a peaceful world without overwhelming hatred and prejudice towards one another.
16th.July '13
Malaysian Currypuffs
Good morning all,
I usually write about current issues or what I had been through all the while. Today, I'd like to share one recipe of Malaysian favourite for breakfast or tea break. Curry puffs. I usually do the recipe write up in Malay but this time lets try this recipe from your home with me.
This curry puffs has some similarity with some other countries on preparing it. The other day I saw a celebrity chef went to Brazil and showed how an Empanada was done. The pastry skin and the way they crimp the edges was exactly the same as here. So, let's try our local Malaysian way of preparing it.
To make the dough :
3 cups of flour
a pinch of salt
2 teaspoon baking soda
About 200gm of butter
1 egg
little water
(if you prefer it crumbly, use cold water)
In a bowl, put together flour, salt, baking soda and mix well.
Then bring in the butter. Using your fingers break the butter in the flour mixture well.
Add the water slowly and knead it until it comes together nicely.
Let it rest and cover it with plastic wrap for about an hour.
Next, the filling. We need:
3 potatoes skinned and cut into little cubes
a cup of ground beef (you may change with anything you like such as chicken or lamb)
1 tablespoon of beef curry powder
1 tablespoon of chili flake
1 tablespoon of processed dried chili (it's fine if you can't have them)
1 teaspoon of dried shrimp (leave it out if you can't have them)
1 teaspoon of ground black pepper
1 tablespoon of white sugar
salt to taste
a handful of parsley
2 tablespoon oil
some onion and 2 cloves of garlic
Let's start cooking the filling :
Heat the skillet with the oil in it. Throw in onion and garlic.
Then pour in the curry powder,processed chili and chili flake together with the beef. Pour in a cup of water.
Let it simmer for about 10 minutes.Your fire should be small.
Now, throw in the diced potatoes together with salt,pepper and sugar.
Open the lid to stir occasionally. Cook until the water began to dry up and the potatoes is well cooked.
Last throw in the chopped parsley and turn off your stove.
Leave the filling to cool down.
Take the dough and gently roll it with your roller until thin. Actually,you can roll it slightly thick if that is your preference.
This is how it should look after the crimping. Sara asked me to write down she's the one who did the crimping. Show off!
Now that it's ready, you can start frying it. Malaysian style of cooking. We mostly fry our food. So not healthy. But who cares. It's the taste that counts.
On slow fire, heat your oil. You had to use a lot of oil to fry this. Like you are about to fry the french fries.
Don't leave it idle on fire, you have to turn it every few minutes or so to get a nice brown skin of currypuffs.
Voila, it's ready and it's great to go with a cup of tea.
Happy trying.
14th.July '13
I usually write about current issues or what I had been through all the while. Today, I'd like to share one recipe of Malaysian favourite for breakfast or tea break. Curry puffs. I usually do the recipe write up in Malay but this time lets try this recipe from your home with me.
This curry puffs has some similarity with some other countries on preparing it. The other day I saw a celebrity chef went to Brazil and showed how an Empanada was done. The pastry skin and the way they crimp the edges was exactly the same as here. So, let's try our local Malaysian way of preparing it.
To make the dough :
3 cups of flour
a pinch of salt
2 teaspoon baking soda
About 200gm of butter
1 egg
little water
(if you prefer it crumbly, use cold water)
In a bowl, put together flour, salt, baking soda and mix well.
Then bring in the butter. Using your fingers break the butter in the flour mixture well.
Add the water slowly and knead it until it comes together nicely.
Let it rest and cover it with plastic wrap for about an hour.
Next, the filling. We need:
![]() |
cut potatoes, onion, ground beef and processed chili |
3 potatoes skinned and cut into little cubes
a cup of ground beef (you may change with anything you like such as chicken or lamb)
1 tablespoon of beef curry powder
1 tablespoon of chili flake
1 tablespoon of processed dried chili (it's fine if you can't have them)
1 teaspoon of dried shrimp (leave it out if you can't have them)
1 teaspoon of ground black pepper
1 tablespoon of white sugar
salt to taste
a handful of parsley
2 tablespoon oil
some onion and 2 cloves of garlic
Let's start cooking the filling :
Heat the skillet with the oil in it. Throw in onion and garlic.
Then pour in the curry powder,processed chili and chili flake together with the beef. Pour in a cup of water.
Let it simmer for about 10 minutes.Your fire should be small.
Now, throw in the diced potatoes together with salt,pepper and sugar.
Open the lid to stir occasionally. Cook until the water began to dry up and the potatoes is well cooked.
Last throw in the chopped parsley and turn off your stove.
Leave the filling to cool down.
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This is how the fillings should look like |
Then get a small cup and placed it hard over the dough like the picture above.
You can do the rolling again if you want the pastry skin to be thin and crispy.
Next, fill in the fillings like the picture. Now put together the edges and start crimping it. If you don'tknow how to crimp it with your finger, use fork to crimp it. No issues here.
This is how it should look after the crimping. Sara asked me to write down she's the one who did the crimping. Show off!
Now that it's ready, you can start frying it. Malaysian style of cooking. We mostly fry our food. So not healthy. But who cares. It's the taste that counts.
On slow fire, heat your oil. You had to use a lot of oil to fry this. Like you are about to fry the french fries.
Don't leave it idle on fire, you have to turn it every few minutes or so to get a nice brown skin of currypuffs.
Voila, it's ready and it's great to go with a cup of tea.
Happy trying.
14th.July '13
Jalan-jalan cari makan diLangkawi
Salam sekali lagi buat semua,
Hari ni dah masuk hari ke empat kita berpuasa bagi tahun ini iaitu 2013 (bersamaan dengan 4 Ramadhan 1434 tahun Hijrah). Alhamdulillah, kita semua dapat melakukannya dengan baik sekali di bumi Malaysia ni.
Buat orang-orang Malaysia, pasti ramai yang pernah sampai ke Langkawi dah kan? Benda paling penting semasa di Langkawi pinggan mangkuk dan juga buah tangan seperti choklat dan ikan bilis. Tapi tu lah bak kata orang, benda yang ada depan mata kita buat tak nampak, bila tak ada baru nak cari. Macam sayalah, tak ingat nak beli semua benda-benda ni. Cuba kalau duduk di luar Langkawi, sudah pasti saya pun akan simpan duit nak ke sini membeli belah barangan ni.
Bila dah melancong ni, perkara yang paling penting adalah makan. Kat mana nak cari makanan yang sedap, yang murah dan pasti nya bersih. Jom, hari ni kita "hunt" kedai-kedai makan yang harganya boleh di terima oleh poket kita.
Kita mulakan dari Kuah menghala ke jeti. Dalam 500meter sebelum sampai kejeti tu, ada medan selera sebelah kanan kita. Kedai yang first dari arah kita datang tadi, dia punya laksa boleh tahan. Kawan saya dari Kuala Lumpur suka makan kat sini sebab antara bahan sayurnya ialah pucuk gajus (kalau sebelah sini orang sebut janggus) Ikut musim juga nak dapat pucuk ni. Ada banyak lagi hidangan lain macam bubur kacang dan beberapa jenis bubur lain serta makanan asas yang selalu ada di gerai makan melayu. Sama deretan dengan gerai ni tapi disebelah hujung sekali, ada satu gerai nasi lemak, Nasi lemak Saloma nama gerai tu. Boleh tahan la nasi lemak dia tapi disebabkan kurang "mesra alam" saya dah malas nak ke sana lagi dah.
Kalau nak masakan melayu yang agak sedap di pekan kuah, ada dua kedai yang saya suka. Bersebelahan dengan Istana Kondo (apartment). Nama kedai tu Pak Aq nasi campur. Lauk-pauk dia mak-cik2 yang masak. Jadi cara masakan tu rasa macam masakan di rumah. Cuba gulai ikan kering dia, bau dia ja dah cukup membuka selera. Harganya agak mahal tapi berbaloi bagi saya sebab rasanya sedap. Kedai ni pagi pun dah buka. Ada gerai roti canai di situ.
Lagi satu kedai nasi campur melayu terletak dekat dengan Idaman Suri. Sebut saja Idaman Suri semua dah besar mata ya! Ikut saja kaki lima Idaman Suri sampai ke hujung. Jalan ke depan sikit lagi dah jumpa, Zainas Restaurant. Sini pun sedap juga lauk lauknya dan harganya lebih kurang harga gerai dekat Kondo Istana tadi.
Kalau nak nasi kandar yang sedap atau boleh tahan di Langkawi ni, pergi ke Rest Haji Ali. Kalau kita dari jeti menghala ke ke pekan Kuah, bila jumpa lampu trafik yang pertama, ambik kiri. Perlahankan kereta dan dah boleh nampak restoran tu dari dalam kereta. Terletak di sebelah kanan kita. Sepinggan nasi dengan seketul ayam, seketul ikan dan sayur lebih kurang RM8.00. Tapi biasa la, standard harga kedai mamak memang macam ni.
Pandu kedepan lagi, tengok deretan medan selera sebelah kiri. Berhentikan kereta dan park kat mana-mana yang kosong, cari EE Burger. Tapi dia orang buka sebelah malam ja. Hari Jumaat tutup. Kedai ni semua pekerja dia budak lelaki. Sambil menunggu order saya sampai, sempat saya menghitung ada lebih kurang 15 orang pekerja yang saya namapak pada waktu tu. Cepat gerak kerja mereka dan pesanan kita pun cepat sampai. Harga fish & chips dia, kalau tak silap dalam RM9.00. Semua harga kat sini sangat-sangat berpatutan. Anda nak nasi lemak? Ada, Anda nak spaghetti? Ada. Anda nak satay? Pun ada. Burger dah tentu ada sebab nama dia pun EE Burger. Harga setiap burger dia pun murah, tak lebih dari RM5.00. Namakan saja apa yang anda nak, kebanyakannya ada di sini. Sebab tu, kedai ni tak pernah putus pelanggan. Kalau tengok dari depan, nampak outlet ni macam buruk dan tak bermaya. Tapi bila dah masuk, ok juga kat dalam, luas dan lapang.
Ada lagi satu kedai makan macam ni. GM Burger. Bekas staff EE Burger ni dulu. Kedai dia terletak di Kelibang. Perjalanan menghala ke Padang Matsirat juga. Betul-betul selepas stesyen minyak Shell. Buka sebelah malam juga. Menu nya sama macam kat EE Burger. Semua ada. Tapi bagi saya, saya lebih suka EE punya makanan.
Kepada yang menginap di hotel di Kuah dan tak tau tempat nak cari makan untuk sarapan, ni ada beberapa tempat yang menjual kuih muih dan nasi lemak di waktu pagi. Kalau menginap di Hotel Seaview, keluar dari hotel, ambik sebelah kanan. Kalau jalan kaki pun boleh, dekat saja. Ada simpang kat depan Quarters Kastam, ambik kanan. Dalam 50 meter kedepan, ada gerai jual kuih muih dan nasi lemak. Tapi nasi lemak dia memang mahal, pada pandangan saya.
Lagi satu gerai kuih, terletak bersebelahan dengan Langkawi Parade. Betul-betul sebelah shopping mall ni.
Kalau kat restaurant melayu yang ada jual kuih, pergi ke Ikhwan Rest. Agak susah saya nak beritahu tempat ni, tapi cuba cari Kamdar atau Bank Simpanan Nasional. Restoran ni berada dekat-dekat sini.
Lagi satu gerai kuih bertentangan dengan Nissan Langkawi. Dekat dengan masjid Kelibang.
Kalau kedepan pulak sikit menghala Pdg Matsirat juga, selepas stesyen miyak petronas, ada traffic light buat pusingan U dan perlahankan kereta. Ada satu kedai kopi menjual semua jenis makanan Malaysia. Dari nasi lemak ke roti canai ke kuih muih dan juga bihun dan mee goreng. Boleh singgah dan minum kopi di sini.
Saya dah habis rasanya buat liputan di kawasan Kuah. Moh kita ke Padang Matsirat pulak. Ada satu kedai ikan bakar yang paling laris di sini. Nama kedai tu Jom Ikan Bakar, kalau tak silap saya. Saya cuma kenal tuan kedai tapi selalu terlupa nama kedainya. Memang berpatutan harga lauk pauk dia. Ramai orang setiap hari kat sini sampai kadang2 tu malas pulak saya nak singgah sebab terlampau ramai. Untuk semua yang melancong bersama keluarga, tempat ni tak mahal jadi tak la sakit sangat bila nak bayar tu. Kat mana kedai ni? Ok, kalau anda ikut highway dari Kuah, anda akan sampai ke round about (dekat airport). Di round about ni, ikut turutan pukul 3 dan anda akan menghala ke Padang Matsirat. Terus lagi dalam 300 meter, perlahankan kereta. Kedai ni di sebelah kanan. Landmark kedai ni, bertentangan dengannya ada medan selera ber bumbung tinggi. Tengok ada ramai orang, hah, kat situlah tempat dia. Dia bukak untuk lunch saja.
Kalau nak kuih muih yang betul-betul sedap seperti talam ubi kayu, tengok satu gerai ni bersebelahan masjid Padang Matsirat. Betul-betul sedap talam ubi kayu dia. Dia mula buka dari jam 2 petang gitu. Ditempat yang sama juga, pada sebelah malamnya pulak ada medan selera yang menjual nasi lemak dan nasi tomato. Harga dia sangat berpatutan. Ada roti boom pun disitu.
Chef Corner terletak berdekatan dengan round about airport. Boleh nampak dia punya signboard. Sedap juga kat sini pun. Ada macam-macam hidangan.
Seafood di Langkawi. Hemm kat mana ya? Dekat jalan Bukit Malut ada satu kedai nama dia Restoran Selera Nelayan. Mungkin ramai yang dah tahu pasal kedai ni. Tak terlalu mahal dan agak sedap makanan dia. Dari arah Kuah ke Pdg Matsirat, bila sampai berdepan dengan hospital Langkawi, ada 1st punya traffic light. Jalan terus. Selepas lebih kurang 100 meter, ada satu lagi traffic light. Haa, kat sini ambk kiri. Drive perlahan2 dan dalam 200 meter di depan sampai lah ke restoran ni. Dia agak kedalam. Harus perhati betul-betul.
Lagi satu restoran seafood ada kat Kuah. Chinese restoran. Wonderland nama kedai ni. Restoran ni sama deretan dengan EE Burger cuma deretan dia ke depan lagi. Sentiasa penuh dengan pelanggan.
Wan Thai Restaurant kat Kuah. Restoran ni pun selalu ramai. Saya sukakan dessert dia. Ehmm..memang sedap, pulut mangga dan lompang. Sedap betul.
Kalau teringin nak makan pek nga (ni sebutan orang utara. Menurut arwah tok saya maksud pek nga tu tempek di belanga) Kalau sebutan sebelah selatan lempeng lah. Ada tiga tempat di Langkawi yang saya tahu jual makanan ni untuk breakfast. Satu di Padang Matsirat (sebelah klinik Delima) dekat sekolah menengah Tengku Putra. Kedai kopi ni semua ada kecuali roti canai sebab dia orang dah buat pek nga ni. Pulut dan ikan masin ada, mee/bihun goreng ada, roti jala ada, nasi lemak ada dan sedap. Harga pun murah.
Oh dah hampir terlupa pulak pasal gerai pek nga yang lagi dua tu. Satu kat Jalan Nyior Cabang. Kalau dari Ulu Melaka menghala ke Pdg Matsirat, bila dah lepas sikit perumahan Taman Wawasan 2 (ada dua Taman Wawasan di sini) ada simpang kecil. Jangan ambil the first simpang, jalan terus dulu. Lebih kurang 70 meter macam tu, ada satu simpang tiga. Ambik kanan. Kedai dia sebelah kanan jalan di tepi sungai kecil. Susah saya nak explain sebab tak ada landmark yang obvious. Lagi satu pun tak jauh dari kedai ni. Tapi kalau dari Ulu Melaka juga, lepas dua2 simpang yang saya sebut tadi. Terus ke depan sikit lagi. Dah boleh nampak sebelah kiri.
Pantai Cenang. Kalau dah terdesak sangat bolehlah makan kat sini. Rata-rata restoran kat sini memang harga gila-gila. Tapi mungkin dia orang terpaksa sebab harga sewa kedai pun mahal. Ada satu kedai nama Harom Aroma. Bertentangan Underwater World. Rasanya terlalu mahal harga dia. Seekor ikan keli, 1 potong terung, sikit ulam dan teh o ais limau, harga dia RM 11.00. Saya tak tahu lah kalau orang dari luar Langkawi harga ni ok tapi bagi kami kat Langkawi harga ni dah agak melampau.
Restaurant Haji Ramli. Orang dari luar Langkawi kata sedap dan murah tapi bagi saya mahal. Tapi ada satu dish dia yang saya suka, moi ayam. Dah lama saya tak kesana tak tahu pulak samada masih ada lagi ke atau dah tak buat. Saya sarankan kalau dah malas nak cari tempat jauh-jauh dari Pantai Cenang ni pergi aja ke satu kedai makan ni, minta maaf saya tak ingat nama kedai ni. Tapi saya boleh bagi panduan nak ke situ. Dari Pantai Cenang menghala ke airport. Lepas sikit dari Pelangi Hotel, ada simpang tiga. Ambik kanan. Jalan terus (kalau kita tengok kat sebelah kiri kita ada deretan kedai2, termasuk Rest Hali Ramli 2). Dalam 50 meter selepas deretan kedai ni dah sampai. Kedai kampong. Sebelah kiri. Memang murah dan banyak jenis lauk kampong yang sedap.
Pasar malam kat Langkawi. Hari Isnin kat Ulu Melaka.Hari Selasa kat Kedawang (Padang Wahid), hari Rabu, Kuah, hari Khamis kat Temoyong (sebelum Pantai Cenang), hari Jumaat (Air Hangat), hari Sabtu di Kuah sekali lagi dan hari ahad di Padang Matsirat.
Panjang jugak menulis pasal tempat nak makan ni ya. Kalau ada sesiapa nak tanya lebih lanjut, boleh email kepada saya. Ada banyak lagi tempat-tempat makan ni tapi dah panjang sangat nanti anda semua malas nak baca pula.
Jadi sampai disinilah dulu. In sya Allah, lain kali kita berjumpa lagi.
Salam Ramadhan dari saya,
13th.July '13
Hari ni dah masuk hari ke empat kita berpuasa bagi tahun ini iaitu 2013 (bersamaan dengan 4 Ramadhan 1434 tahun Hijrah). Alhamdulillah, kita semua dapat melakukannya dengan baik sekali di bumi Malaysia ni.
Buat orang-orang Malaysia, pasti ramai yang pernah sampai ke Langkawi dah kan? Benda paling penting semasa di Langkawi pinggan mangkuk dan juga buah tangan seperti choklat dan ikan bilis. Tapi tu lah bak kata orang, benda yang ada depan mata kita buat tak nampak, bila tak ada baru nak cari. Macam sayalah, tak ingat nak beli semua benda-benda ni. Cuba kalau duduk di luar Langkawi, sudah pasti saya pun akan simpan duit nak ke sini membeli belah barangan ni.
Bila dah melancong ni, perkara yang paling penting adalah makan. Kat mana nak cari makanan yang sedap, yang murah dan pasti nya bersih. Jom, hari ni kita "hunt" kedai-kedai makan yang harganya boleh di terima oleh poket kita.
Kita mulakan dari Kuah menghala ke jeti. Dalam 500meter sebelum sampai kejeti tu, ada medan selera sebelah kanan kita. Kedai yang first dari arah kita datang tadi, dia punya laksa boleh tahan. Kawan saya dari Kuala Lumpur suka makan kat sini sebab antara bahan sayurnya ialah pucuk gajus (kalau sebelah sini orang sebut janggus) Ikut musim juga nak dapat pucuk ni. Ada banyak lagi hidangan lain macam bubur kacang dan beberapa jenis bubur lain serta makanan asas yang selalu ada di gerai makan melayu. Sama deretan dengan gerai ni tapi disebelah hujung sekali, ada satu gerai nasi lemak, Nasi lemak Saloma nama gerai tu. Boleh tahan la nasi lemak dia tapi disebabkan kurang "mesra alam" saya dah malas nak ke sana lagi dah.
Kalau nak masakan melayu yang agak sedap di pekan kuah, ada dua kedai yang saya suka. Bersebelahan dengan Istana Kondo (apartment). Nama kedai tu Pak Aq nasi campur. Lauk-pauk dia mak-cik2 yang masak. Jadi cara masakan tu rasa macam masakan di rumah. Cuba gulai ikan kering dia, bau dia ja dah cukup membuka selera. Harganya agak mahal tapi berbaloi bagi saya sebab rasanya sedap. Kedai ni pagi pun dah buka. Ada gerai roti canai di situ.
Lagi satu kedai nasi campur melayu terletak dekat dengan Idaman Suri. Sebut saja Idaman Suri semua dah besar mata ya! Ikut saja kaki lima Idaman Suri sampai ke hujung. Jalan ke depan sikit lagi dah jumpa, Zainas Restaurant. Sini pun sedap juga lauk lauknya dan harganya lebih kurang harga gerai dekat Kondo Istana tadi.
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Rest Haji Ali |
Pandu kedepan lagi, tengok deretan medan selera sebelah kiri. Berhentikan kereta dan park kat mana-mana yang kosong, cari EE Burger. Tapi dia orang buka sebelah malam ja. Hari Jumaat tutup. Kedai ni semua pekerja dia budak lelaki. Sambil menunggu order saya sampai, sempat saya menghitung ada lebih kurang 15 orang pekerja yang saya namapak pada waktu tu. Cepat gerak kerja mereka dan pesanan kita pun cepat sampai. Harga fish & chips dia, kalau tak silap dalam RM9.00. Semua harga kat sini sangat-sangat berpatutan. Anda nak nasi lemak? Ada, Anda nak spaghetti? Ada. Anda nak satay? Pun ada. Burger dah tentu ada sebab nama dia pun EE Burger. Harga setiap burger dia pun murah, tak lebih dari RM5.00. Namakan saja apa yang anda nak, kebanyakannya ada di sini. Sebab tu, kedai ni tak pernah putus pelanggan. Kalau tengok dari depan, nampak outlet ni macam buruk dan tak bermaya. Tapi bila dah masuk, ok juga kat dalam, luas dan lapang.
Ada lagi satu kedai makan macam ni. GM Burger. Bekas staff EE Burger ni dulu. Kedai dia terletak di Kelibang. Perjalanan menghala ke Padang Matsirat juga. Betul-betul selepas stesyen minyak Shell. Buka sebelah malam juga. Menu nya sama macam kat EE Burger. Semua ada. Tapi bagi saya, saya lebih suka EE punya makanan.
Kepada yang menginap di hotel di Kuah dan tak tau tempat nak cari makan untuk sarapan, ni ada beberapa tempat yang menjual kuih muih dan nasi lemak di waktu pagi. Kalau menginap di Hotel Seaview, keluar dari hotel, ambik sebelah kanan. Kalau jalan kaki pun boleh, dekat saja. Ada simpang kat depan Quarters Kastam, ambik kanan. Dalam 50 meter kedepan, ada gerai jual kuih muih dan nasi lemak. Tapi nasi lemak dia memang mahal, pada pandangan saya.
Lagi satu gerai kuih, terletak bersebelahan dengan Langkawi Parade. Betul-betul sebelah shopping mall ni.
Kalau kat restaurant melayu yang ada jual kuih, pergi ke Ikhwan Rest. Agak susah saya nak beritahu tempat ni, tapi cuba cari Kamdar atau Bank Simpanan Nasional. Restoran ni berada dekat-dekat sini.
Lagi satu gerai kuih bertentangan dengan Nissan Langkawi. Dekat dengan masjid Kelibang.
Kalau kedepan pulak sikit menghala Pdg Matsirat juga, selepas stesyen miyak petronas, ada traffic light buat pusingan U dan perlahankan kereta. Ada satu kedai kopi menjual semua jenis makanan Malaysia. Dari nasi lemak ke roti canai ke kuih muih dan juga bihun dan mee goreng. Boleh singgah dan minum kopi di sini.
Saya dah habis rasanya buat liputan di kawasan Kuah. Moh kita ke Padang Matsirat pulak. Ada satu kedai ikan bakar yang paling laris di sini. Nama kedai tu Jom Ikan Bakar, kalau tak silap saya. Saya cuma kenal tuan kedai tapi selalu terlupa nama kedainya. Memang berpatutan harga lauk pauk dia. Ramai orang setiap hari kat sini sampai kadang2 tu malas pulak saya nak singgah sebab terlampau ramai. Untuk semua yang melancong bersama keluarga, tempat ni tak mahal jadi tak la sakit sangat bila nak bayar tu. Kat mana kedai ni? Ok, kalau anda ikut highway dari Kuah, anda akan sampai ke round about (dekat airport). Di round about ni, ikut turutan pukul 3 dan anda akan menghala ke Padang Matsirat. Terus lagi dalam 300 meter, perlahankan kereta. Kedai ni di sebelah kanan. Landmark kedai ni, bertentangan dengannya ada medan selera ber bumbung tinggi. Tengok ada ramai orang, hah, kat situlah tempat dia. Dia bukak untuk lunch saja.
Kalau nak kuih muih yang betul-betul sedap seperti talam ubi kayu, tengok satu gerai ni bersebelahan masjid Padang Matsirat. Betul-betul sedap talam ubi kayu dia. Dia mula buka dari jam 2 petang gitu. Ditempat yang sama juga, pada sebelah malamnya pulak ada medan selera yang menjual nasi lemak dan nasi tomato. Harga dia sangat berpatutan. Ada roti boom pun disitu.
Chef Corner terletak berdekatan dengan round about airport. Boleh nampak dia punya signboard. Sedap juga kat sini pun. Ada macam-macam hidangan.
Seafood di Langkawi. Hemm kat mana ya? Dekat jalan Bukit Malut ada satu kedai nama dia Restoran Selera Nelayan. Mungkin ramai yang dah tahu pasal kedai ni. Tak terlalu mahal dan agak sedap makanan dia. Dari arah Kuah ke Pdg Matsirat, bila sampai berdepan dengan hospital Langkawi, ada 1st punya traffic light. Jalan terus. Selepas lebih kurang 100 meter, ada satu lagi traffic light. Haa, kat sini ambk kiri. Drive perlahan2 dan dalam 200 meter di depan sampai lah ke restoran ni. Dia agak kedalam. Harus perhati betul-betul.
Lagi satu restoran seafood ada kat Kuah. Chinese restoran. Wonderland nama kedai ni. Restoran ni sama deretan dengan EE Burger cuma deretan dia ke depan lagi. Sentiasa penuh dengan pelanggan.
Wan Thai Restaurant kat Kuah. Restoran ni pun selalu ramai. Saya sukakan dessert dia. Ehmm..memang sedap, pulut mangga dan lompang. Sedap betul.
Kalau teringin nak makan pek nga (ni sebutan orang utara. Menurut arwah tok saya maksud pek nga tu tempek di belanga) Kalau sebutan sebelah selatan lempeng lah. Ada tiga tempat di Langkawi yang saya tahu jual makanan ni untuk breakfast. Satu di Padang Matsirat (sebelah klinik Delima) dekat sekolah menengah Tengku Putra. Kedai kopi ni semua ada kecuali roti canai sebab dia orang dah buat pek nga ni. Pulut dan ikan masin ada, mee/bihun goreng ada, roti jala ada, nasi lemak ada dan sedap. Harga pun murah.
Oh dah hampir terlupa pulak pasal gerai pek nga yang lagi dua tu. Satu kat Jalan Nyior Cabang. Kalau dari Ulu Melaka menghala ke Pdg Matsirat, bila dah lepas sikit perumahan Taman Wawasan 2 (ada dua Taman Wawasan di sini) ada simpang kecil. Jangan ambil the first simpang, jalan terus dulu. Lebih kurang 70 meter macam tu, ada satu simpang tiga. Ambik kanan. Kedai dia sebelah kanan jalan di tepi sungai kecil. Susah saya nak explain sebab tak ada landmark yang obvious. Lagi satu pun tak jauh dari kedai ni. Tapi kalau dari Ulu Melaka juga, lepas dua2 simpang yang saya sebut tadi. Terus ke depan sikit lagi. Dah boleh nampak sebelah kiri.
Pantai Cenang. Kalau dah terdesak sangat bolehlah makan kat sini. Rata-rata restoran kat sini memang harga gila-gila. Tapi mungkin dia orang terpaksa sebab harga sewa kedai pun mahal. Ada satu kedai nama Harom Aroma. Bertentangan Underwater World. Rasanya terlalu mahal harga dia. Seekor ikan keli, 1 potong terung, sikit ulam dan teh o ais limau, harga dia RM 11.00. Saya tak tahu lah kalau orang dari luar Langkawi harga ni ok tapi bagi kami kat Langkawi harga ni dah agak melampau.
Restaurant Haji Ramli. Orang dari luar Langkawi kata sedap dan murah tapi bagi saya mahal. Tapi ada satu dish dia yang saya suka, moi ayam. Dah lama saya tak kesana tak tahu pulak samada masih ada lagi ke atau dah tak buat. Saya sarankan kalau dah malas nak cari tempat jauh-jauh dari Pantai Cenang ni pergi aja ke satu kedai makan ni, minta maaf saya tak ingat nama kedai ni. Tapi saya boleh bagi panduan nak ke situ. Dari Pantai Cenang menghala ke airport. Lepas sikit dari Pelangi Hotel, ada simpang tiga. Ambik kanan. Jalan terus (kalau kita tengok kat sebelah kiri kita ada deretan kedai2, termasuk Rest Hali Ramli 2). Dalam 50 meter selepas deretan kedai ni dah sampai. Kedai kampong. Sebelah kiri. Memang murah dan banyak jenis lauk kampong yang sedap.
Pasar malam kat Langkawi. Hari Isnin kat Ulu Melaka.Hari Selasa kat Kedawang (Padang Wahid), hari Rabu, Kuah, hari Khamis kat Temoyong (sebelum Pantai Cenang), hari Jumaat (Air Hangat), hari Sabtu di Kuah sekali lagi dan hari ahad di Padang Matsirat.
Panjang jugak menulis pasal tempat nak makan ni ya. Kalau ada sesiapa nak tanya lebih lanjut, boleh email kepada saya. Ada banyak lagi tempat-tempat makan ni tapi dah panjang sangat nanti anda semua malas nak baca pula.
Jadi sampai disinilah dulu. In sya Allah, lain kali kita berjumpa lagi.
Salam Ramadhan dari saya,
13th.July '13
What's In Langkawi: Accommodation (Part 3)
Dear All,
How's everyone doing? Lets stay healthy for that's the best asset we could have. For Muslim readers, happy fasting everyone and lets do it sincerely.
Okay, today is the final entry for What's in Langkawi. Accommodation.
I will select some hotels and motels and decent places to stay while you are here. If ever you couldn't find a room on the date you've chosen, worry not, hop in your plane and head here. Walk around or drive around the island, you'll surely find one decent place to rest your body for that night. Maybe not entirely your preference but still you found a place to sleep over. You can do the hotel (of your choice) hunting the very next day.
Let us start with budget hotels and motels at the popular Pantai Cenang and Kuah Town area.
1) AB Motel :Pantai Cenang
2) Langgura Baron Resort : Pantai Cenang.
3) T Star Cottage :
4) The Cottage Langkawi
5) Desa Motel
6) NR Langkawi Motel
7) Charlie Motel
8) Citin Hotel
9) Twin Peaks Hotel
10) Eagle Bay Hotel
11) Cosy Inn
12) Hotel Langkasuka
13) Landcons Hotel
From all the thirteen hotels and inns above, I would recommend AB Motel,The Cottage Langkawi and Landcon Hotel, all in Pantai Cenang.
*The Cottage has rooms for backpackers and a cabin. It's cheap, it's new and well positioned in the main Pantai Cenang. So does Landcon.
*For Kuah Town, I can only come up with one new hotel, The Cosy Inn. Very practical and clean. The rest of other hotels looked a little rundown.
Now let's see the affordable hotels :
1) City Bayview Hotel
2) Grand Continental Hotel
3) My Hotel
4) Hotel Bahagia
5) Langkawi Baron Hotel
6) Langkawi Seaview Hotel
7) Best Star Resort
8) Malibest Resort
9) Sandy Beach Resort
10) Four Points Hotel
11) Aseania Resort Langkawi
12) Fave Hotel
13) Bella Vista Resort
14) The Lanai Resort
These are the kind of hotels which you would either love it or you have loads of complaint to write about. Why did I say that? Because if you are staying at a budget hotel, you knew what you are in for. It's cheap so we can't complaint much but from these type of hotels we expect a better place and service.
Here's what I think:
* City Bayview in Kuah Town is acceptable. The Grand Continental has seen its better days.
* Bella Vista (Kuah Town) has got a new management so they are doing better than before.
*Sandy Beach has got very good location. No need to rent motorbike or car as you are right at Pantai Cenang.
* The Lanai has a good beach. Located next to Holiday Villa. The hotel could do with some room upliftings
* Langkawi Baron Hotel & Aseania Resort: These two hotels receives more complain than compliment. The good thing about Langkawi Baron is that it's just a few steps away from the beautiful beach.
I would pick Fave Hotel & Four Point. (However Four Point is out from the main Pantai Cenang area. It's close to airport, so room-wise they are good but location wise it's away from everything.)
Next, the in between price ( from RM 300.00 ~ RM 550.00 and above)
1) Resorts World Langkawi (Formerly known as Awana Porto Malai)
2) Sheraton Langkawi Beach Resort
3) Berjaya Beach & Spa Resort
4) Meritus Pelangi Beach Resort
5) The Frangipani Langkawi
6) Taj Hotel (formerly known as Rebak Marina Resort)
7) Holiday Villa Langkawi & Federal Villa
8) Langkawi Lagoon Resort
*Okay let's see. Beach-wise, Berjaya/ Meritus Pelangi/The Frangipani and Holiday Villa has got it.
*Taj Hotel situated on a private island. Need to board a 15 minutes hotel speed boat to reach the hotel.
*Langkawi Lagoon room is beautiful but they lacked on their beach and the hotel is away from the hype of activity.
* Even though Resorts World hotel is next to the ocean, the hotel doesn't have a beach. It is a port where one can see big cruise ships and yachts docked there. Breath taking scenery though.
* Sheraton Langkawi was a great hotel once, unless the management do something about it, they're gonna lose more guests than they already are.
The last category is for the most expensive hotels on the island. Their rates start from RM800 and above :
1) The Westin Beach & Spa Resort
2) The Datai Langkawi
3) The Andaman Hotel
4) Casa Del Mar
5) Tanjong Rhu Beach Resort
6) The Four Seasons Langkawi
7) The Danna Langkawi
*Among the six hotels, The Four Seasons is the most expensive at about RM 2000.00 per nite.
It is situated at the north tip of the island. What do I think of this hotel? If I have money, I'd stay here. Simple as that.
* The Westin is the only hotel of this category that situated close to Kuah town. They have the beach but not as good as some other beaches.
* The Datai & The Andaman are fabulous too. But they are too far out to my liking. If you are traveling with young or teenage children, be sure to find something interesting for them to spend their time with. It's right in the tropical jungle and very,very quiet. You don't see any other people walking around except for hotel guests and their staff.
* I like where The Danna Hotel is located. It looks cheerful and serene. This hotel is near to Berjaya Beach & Spa Resort. The Cable car Langkawi is within walking distance to these two hotels.
* Casa Del Mar is located right in Pantai Cenang. Very small hotel just with about 34 rooms but beautifully managed. Great rooms and great beach.
Okay, I guess I've covered up some of the places to stay while you are here in Langkawi. If you wish to know more about any other places or where they are located, just drop me a line. I'll find out for you guys.
Until next time. Have a great day. :)
12th.July '13
How's everyone doing? Lets stay healthy for that's the best asset we could have. For Muslim readers, happy fasting everyone and lets do it sincerely.
Okay, today is the final entry for What's in Langkawi. Accommodation.
I will select some hotels and motels and decent places to stay while you are here. If ever you couldn't find a room on the date you've chosen, worry not, hop in your plane and head here. Walk around or drive around the island, you'll surely find one decent place to rest your body for that night. Maybe not entirely your preference but still you found a place to sleep over. You can do the hotel (of your choice) hunting the very next day.
Let us start with budget hotels and motels at the popular Pantai Cenang and Kuah Town area.
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AB Motel - by the beach |
1) AB Motel :Pantai Cenang
2) Langgura Baron Resort : Pantai Cenang.
3) T Star Cottage :
4) The Cottage Langkawi
5) Desa Motel
6) NR Langkawi Motel
7) Charlie Motel
8) Citin Hotel
9) Twin Peaks Hotel
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Cosy Inn |
11) Cosy Inn
12) Hotel Langkasuka
13) Landcons Hotel
From all the thirteen hotels and inns above, I would recommend AB Motel,The Cottage Langkawi and Landcon Hotel, all in Pantai Cenang.
*The Cottage has rooms for backpackers and a cabin. It's cheap, it's new and well positioned in the main Pantai Cenang. So does Landcon.
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Landcons Hotel room |
Now let's see the affordable hotels :
1) City Bayview Hotel
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Fave Room |
2) Grand Continental Hotel
3) My Hotel
4) Hotel Bahagia
5) Langkawi Baron Hotel
6) Langkawi Seaview Hotel
7) Best Star Resort
8) Malibest Resort
9) Sandy Beach Resort
10) Four Points Hotel
11) Aseania Resort Langkawi
12) Fave Hotel
13) Bella Vista Resort
14) The Lanai Resort
These are the kind of hotels which you would either love it or you have loads of complaint to write about. Why did I say that? Because if you are staying at a budget hotel, you knew what you are in for. It's cheap so we can't complaint much but from these type of hotels we expect a better place and service.
Here's what I think:
* City Bayview in Kuah Town is acceptable. The Grand Continental has seen its better days.
* Bella Vista (Kuah Town) has got a new management so they are doing better than before.
*Sandy Beach has got very good location. No need to rent motorbike or car as you are right at Pantai Cenang.
* The Lanai has a good beach. Located next to Holiday Villa. The hotel could do with some room upliftings
* Langkawi Baron Hotel & Aseania Resort: These two hotels receives more complain than compliment. The good thing about Langkawi Baron is that it's just a few steps away from the beautiful beach.
I would pick Fave Hotel & Four Point. (However Four Point is out from the main Pantai Cenang area. It's close to airport, so room-wise they are good but location wise it's away from everything.)
Next, the in between price ( from RM 300.00 ~ RM 550.00 and above)
1) Resorts World Langkawi (Formerly known as Awana Porto Malai)
2) Sheraton Langkawi Beach Resort
3) Berjaya Beach & Spa Resort
4) Meritus Pelangi Beach Resort
5) The Frangipani Langkawi
6) Taj Hotel (formerly known as Rebak Marina Resort)
7) Holiday Villa Langkawi & Federal Villa
8) Langkawi Lagoon Resort
Berjaya Beach & Spa Resort |
*Okay let's see. Beach-wise, Berjaya/ Meritus Pelangi/The Frangipani and Holiday Villa has got it.
*Taj Hotel situated on a private island. Need to board a 15 minutes hotel speed boat to reach the hotel.
*Langkawi Lagoon room is beautiful but they lacked on their beach and the hotel is away from the hype of activity.
* Even though Resorts World hotel is next to the ocean, the hotel doesn't have a beach. It is a port where one can see big cruise ships and yachts docked there. Breath taking scenery though.
* Sheraton Langkawi was a great hotel once, unless the management do something about it, they're gonna lose more guests than they already are.
The last category is for the most expensive hotels on the island. Their rates start from RM800 and above :
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Casa Del Mar |
The Westin Langkawi |
1) The Westin Beach & Spa Resort
2) The Datai Langkawi
3) The Andaman Hotel
4) Casa Del Mar
5) Tanjong Rhu Beach Resort
6) The Four Seasons Langkawi
7) The Danna Langkawi
*Among the six hotels, The Four Seasons is the most expensive at about RM 2000.00 per nite.
It is situated at the north tip of the island. What do I think of this hotel? If I have money, I'd stay here. Simple as that.
* The Westin is the only hotel of this category that situated close to Kuah town. They have the beach but not as good as some other beaches.
* The Datai & The Andaman are fabulous too. But they are too far out to my liking. If you are traveling with young or teenage children, be sure to find something interesting for them to spend their time with. It's right in the tropical jungle and very,very quiet. You don't see any other people walking around except for hotel guests and their staff.
* I like where The Danna Hotel is located. It looks cheerful and serene. This hotel is near to Berjaya Beach & Spa Resort. The Cable car Langkawi is within walking distance to these two hotels.
* Casa Del Mar is located right in Pantai Cenang. Very small hotel just with about 34 rooms but beautifully managed. Great rooms and great beach.
Okay, I guess I've covered up some of the places to stay while you are here in Langkawi. If you wish to know more about any other places or where they are located, just drop me a line. I'll find out for you guys.
Until next time. Have a great day. :)
12th.July '13
Salam semua dan selamat menyambut Ramadhan yang akan tiba dalam dua tiga hari lagi.
Hari ni mak cik nak share dengan semua macam mana nak buat kuah rojak buah. Mana tau bulan puasa nanti teringin nak makan, nak beli kuah rojak tak ada pulak kedai yang menjual.
Kita perlukan bahan-bahan ni:
* 1 keping gula kabung
* 3/4 cawan gula putih
* 3 sudu makan cawan gula merah
* 1 cawan air
(semua gula ni di satukan dan di masak dengan air diatas api sederhana. Bila semua gula dah hancur tapiskan kedalam bekas dan biarkan dulu)
* sikit minyak untuk menumis
* 3 /4 cawan cili kering yang di kisar (cili kering ni direbus dulu kemudian baru dikisar)
* 2 sudu makan belacan yg dah di bakar sikit dulu (pecah-pecahkan sehingga menjadi serbuk)
* sikit garam
* suku botol kecik kicap manis (saya pakai kicap kipas udang)
* 2 sudu makan sos tiram
* 2 sudu makan otak udang ataupun petis udang
* 3 sudu makan bijan
* segenggam kacang tanah di sangai tanpa minyak dan dikisar
Sekarang kita mula:
Panaskan minyak dan tuangkan cili kisar bersama dengan belacan tadi. Masukkan air dalam 1 cawan.
Biarkan sehingga cili betul2 pecah minyak. Kacau rata.
Selepas tu, tuangkan pula air gula yang dah dimasak tadi. Masukkan juga sikit garam. Kacau lagi.
Biarkan sehingga agak sedikit pekat.
Sekarang, masukkan pula petis udang, bijan, sos tiram serta kicap.
Masak dengan api yang perlahan dan biarkan sehingga kuah pekat.
Lepas tu bolehlah diangkat dan dibiarkan betul2 sejuk.
Kuah yang baru masak tadi masih belum betul2 pekat. Biarkan dulu.
Bila dah sejuk bolehlah disimpan didalam bekas kedap udara dan disimpan di dalam peti sejuk.
Kacang tanah yang di kisar tadi bolehlah ditabur diatas rojak ini.
** Mesti cuba. Memang betul-betul sedap.
Sempena nak masuk Ramadhan ni, saya ingin memohon ampun dan maaf sekiranya ada terkasar bahasa dan tersilap kata.
5th.July '13
Hari ni mak cik nak share dengan semua macam mana nak buat kuah rojak buah. Mana tau bulan puasa nanti teringin nak makan, nak beli kuah rojak tak ada pulak kedai yang menjual.
Kita perlukan bahan-bahan ni:
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gula yang baru nak di masak |
* 1 keping gula kabung
* 3/4 cawan gula putih
* 3 sudu makan cawan gula merah
* 1 cawan air
(semua gula ni di satukan dan di masak dengan air diatas api sederhana. Bila semua gula dah hancur tapiskan kedalam bekas dan biarkan dulu)
* sikit minyak untuk menumis
* 3 /4 cawan cili kering yang di kisar (cili kering ni direbus dulu kemudian baru dikisar)
* 2 sudu makan belacan yg dah di bakar sikit dulu (pecah-pecahkan sehingga menjadi serbuk)
* sikit garam
* suku botol kecik kicap manis (saya pakai kicap kipas udang)
* 2 sudu makan sos tiram
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otak udang dan bijan |
* 2 sudu makan otak udang ataupun petis udang
* 3 sudu makan bijan
* segenggam kacang tanah di sangai tanpa minyak dan dikisar
Sekarang kita mula:
Panaskan minyak dan tuangkan cili kisar bersama dengan belacan tadi. Masukkan air dalam 1 cawan.
Biarkan sehingga cili betul2 pecah minyak. Kacau rata.
Selepas tu, tuangkan pula air gula yang dah dimasak tadi. Masukkan juga sikit garam. Kacau lagi.
Biarkan sehingga agak sedikit pekat.
Sekarang, masukkan pula petis udang, bijan, sos tiram serta kicap.
Masak dengan api yang perlahan dan biarkan sehingga kuah pekat.
Lepas tu bolehlah diangkat dan dibiarkan betul2 sejuk.
Kuah yang baru masak tadi masih belum betul2 pekat. Biarkan dulu.
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kuah rojak baru di masak |
Bila dah sejuk bolehlah disimpan didalam bekas kedap udara dan disimpan di dalam peti sejuk.
Kacang tanah yang di kisar tadi bolehlah ditabur diatas rojak ini.
** Mesti cuba. Memang betul-betul sedap.
Sempena nak masuk Ramadhan ni, saya ingin memohon ampun dan maaf sekiranya ada terkasar bahasa dan tersilap kata.
5th.July '13
What's in Langkawi (Part 2)
Hello again,
As promised, here I am about to write the 2nd entry on Langkawi Island. In the previous entry, I had covered about how to get here and where to find food. In today's entry, I will write about places of interests. By the way, I will upload pictures every now and then when I have the time to do some picture-taking and make the entry more interesting to look at.
Most popular tourist spot on this island is the cable car, so we will start with that one.
1) Cable Car : Ticket per person is RM 30.00 per adult/ RM 20.00 per child. One gondola can fit in
six people.
The ride up to the peak will take about 15 minutes and so does the trip back to the base station. I write about this as if I am always going up and down the little thing. Truth is I've only been up there twice. The first trip was out of curiosity. I promised myself never to step my foot on that hanging thing again but three years ago I went up again, not because I wanted too but the two girls, Sara & Sophie, pleaded and begged and cajoled me into going up with them promising to flank me on both sides. I regretted my decision. My heart was hanging out and my knees went weak. How can I enjoy myself when all I can think about is how high we are at that moment. The distance from one point to another is about 2.2 kilometer. I will never go up there again, ever!
But for those of you who are on vacation, you must try to get on this hanging car. Beautiful panorama.
If you are staying at any one of the hotels in Pantai Cenang, the drive to this place will take about 30 ~ 40 minutes. The nearest hotels to this place is Berjaya Beach and Spa Resort.
2) Mangrove Cruise : A slow cruise along mangrove swamp while you get to watch some reptiles such as snake slithering on the mangrove trees or monitor lizard slowly making it's way into the water. Don't get confuse with an alligator as these lizards can get nearly as big as the former. The boat skipper will make a few stops for his passengers. Among the stops were to be at the Fish Farm and eagle feeding. Prices differed according to hours of usage or you go on a private or sharing basis.
3) Island Hopping : Hop in a little speed boat and head to the first stop, Lake of Pregnant Maiden. Why the name? You'll get the answer once in the boat. After this stop, the boat skipper will stop in the middle of the sea to allow you a live eagle feeding show. The last stop would be Pulau Bras Basah (Wet Rice Island) for swimming.
4) Snorkeling Trip at Pulau Payar : A full day trip (departs at 09:30am ~ 15:00hrs). Lunch, snorkeling gears and transfers included. It's an island by itself about 50 minutes away from Langkawi Island. Main attraction while here was swimming among black-tipped baby sharks. Prices ranging from RM180.00 to RM 290.00 per person. You can still scout around for cheaper price.
5) Sunset Cruise : For those of you who is feeling a little romantic, get yourself on board of semi luxury yacht cruising from 17:00hrs ~ 20:00hrs. Price RM 260.00 per person.
6) Wanting to know more about the island? Get a car to move around and visit many interesting places such as Underwater World (aquarium), Mahsuri Tomb (a legend about a girl named Mahsuri who was stabbed to death by villagers believing she had committed an adultery), Galeria Perdana ( a museum displaying gifts and awards received by our former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamed), night market (please check with your hotel concierge the site for the day as it changes sites every day), Mardi Fruit Farm (get acquainted with tropical fruits) where you will be taken on a little buggy to tour the farmland of the fruits first-hand and many other places that you can find while here, Batik Art Gallery (hand-painted batik done right in front of you or you can participate by drawing your own batik with the help from the staff).
If you do not wish to drive, you can always go on a private tour. The price differs according to number of people. Usually for four hours tour the price is at RM 120.00 (for 2 people). It doesn't include entrance fees to any of the place visited.
There's one place that is not so popular among the tourists, maybe because nobody told them about it. For bird lovers, there's a place called Lubuk Semilang (waterfall) where one can watch the hornbills returning to their nests in the evening. Hundreds of them will fly back before dusk fall.
I'll wrap up the second episode of Langkawi. The next one will be where to stay. Keep on reading.
Thanks for being my readers!
Ciao for now,
3rd.July '13
As promised, here I am about to write the 2nd entry on Langkawi Island. In the previous entry, I had covered about how to get here and where to find food. In today's entry, I will write about places of interests. By the way, I will upload pictures every now and then when I have the time to do some picture-taking and make the entry more interesting to look at.
Most popular tourist spot on this island is the cable car, so we will start with that one.
1) Cable Car : Ticket per person is RM 30.00 per adult/ RM 20.00 per child. One gondola can fit in
six people.
The ride up to the peak will take about 15 minutes and so does the trip back to the base station. I write about this as if I am always going up and down the little thing. Truth is I've only been up there twice. The first trip was out of curiosity. I promised myself never to step my foot on that hanging thing again but three years ago I went up again, not because I wanted too but the two girls, Sara & Sophie, pleaded and begged and cajoled me into going up with them promising to flank me on both sides. I regretted my decision. My heart was hanging out and my knees went weak. How can I enjoy myself when all I can think about is how high we are at that moment. The distance from one point to another is about 2.2 kilometer. I will never go up there again, ever!
But for those of you who are on vacation, you must try to get on this hanging car. Beautiful panorama.
If you are staying at any one of the hotels in Pantai Cenang, the drive to this place will take about 30 ~ 40 minutes. The nearest hotels to this place is Berjaya Beach and Spa Resort.
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2) Mangrove Cruise : A slow cruise along mangrove swamp while you get to watch some reptiles such as snake slithering on the mangrove trees or monitor lizard slowly making it's way into the water. Don't get confuse with an alligator as these lizards can get nearly as big as the former. The boat skipper will make a few stops for his passengers. Among the stops were to be at the Fish Farm and eagle feeding. Prices differed according to hours of usage or you go on a private or sharing basis.
3) Island Hopping : Hop in a little speed boat and head to the first stop, Lake of Pregnant Maiden. Why the name? You'll get the answer once in the boat. After this stop, the boat skipper will stop in the middle of the sea to allow you a live eagle feeding show. The last stop would be Pulau Bras Basah (Wet Rice Island) for swimming.
4) Snorkeling Trip at Pulau Payar : A full day trip (departs at 09:30am ~ 15:00hrs). Lunch, snorkeling gears and transfers included. It's an island by itself about 50 minutes away from Langkawi Island. Main attraction while here was swimming among black-tipped baby sharks. Prices ranging from RM180.00 to RM 290.00 per person. You can still scout around for cheaper price.
5) Sunset Cruise : For those of you who is feeling a little romantic, get yourself on board of semi luxury yacht cruising from 17:00hrs ~ 20:00hrs. Price RM 260.00 per person.
6) Wanting to know more about the island? Get a car to move around and visit many interesting places such as Underwater World (aquarium), Mahsuri Tomb (a legend about a girl named Mahsuri who was stabbed to death by villagers believing she had committed an adultery), Galeria Perdana ( a museum displaying gifts and awards received by our former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamed), night market (please check with your hotel concierge the site for the day as it changes sites every day), Mardi Fruit Farm (get acquainted with tropical fruits) where you will be taken on a little buggy to tour the farmland of the fruits first-hand and many other places that you can find while here, Batik Art Gallery (hand-painted batik done right in front of you or you can participate by drawing your own batik with the help from the staff).
If you do not wish to drive, you can always go on a private tour. The price differs according to number of people. Usually for four hours tour the price is at RM 120.00 (for 2 people). It doesn't include entrance fees to any of the place visited.
There's one place that is not so popular among the tourists, maybe because nobody told them about it. For bird lovers, there's a place called Lubuk Semilang (waterfall) where one can watch the hornbills returning to their nests in the evening. Hundreds of them will fly back before dusk fall.
I'll wrap up the second episode of Langkawi. The next one will be where to stay. Keep on reading.
Thanks for being my readers!
Ciao for now,
3rd.July '13
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