Stupid Malays!
Kasihan Orang Melayu
Ingat tak suatu ketika dulu di zaman penjajahan British, orang Melayu depa labelkan sebagai malas dan bodoh. Sampai hari ni pun masih ramai yang anggap kita macam tu. Kesian kan? Orang British dah tengok dan selidik sifat dan fe'el orang Melayu sebab tu dia orang pecah-pecahkan orang Malaya ni kepada tiga, Melayu dihantarnya ke kampong2, India ke estet dan Cina ke bandar. Pecahan kaum ni bukan saya yang kata, ada dalam sejarah negara.
Apa yang saya nak tulis ni, mungkin akan ada yang berpendapat berbaur perkauman. Tapi bagi saya tidak. Ini adalah sesuatu yang saya rasa dapat kita kongsi bersama sebagai satu Malaysia. Perasaan saya lebih membuak-buak untuk menulis rencana ini ditengah-tengah kejadian Sabah di ceroboh lebih kurang 3 minggu lalu. Ia bermula dengan kenyataan Tian Chua yang mengatakan kejadian di Sabah adalah sandiwara semata-mata. Apa hal dengan si mamat sorang ni? Gila ke apa? Siapa la nak main sandiwara dengan nyawa orang. Berita semasa yang di siarkan di TV menunjukkan keluarga anggota keselamatan kita menanti dan menangisi pemergian anak-anak, suami ataupun abang abang kepada wira kita. Si Tian Chua ni main sedap mulut ja kata sandiwara semasa. Bagi saya, kalau dah jadi pemimpin tu, dah tentu-tentu seorang yang berpelajaran tinggi, tahu menjaga peradaban diri bukannya macam orang yang meroyan tak tentu hala.
Kenapa saya tulis tajuk Kasihan Orang Melayu. Sebab orang Melayu sanggup menggadai nyawa untuk negara. Mereka akan berjuang sehingga ke titisan darah terakhir. Tapi kesiankan. Apa yang depa dapat? Kata cerca dan maki hamun dari pelbagai orang. Tergamaknya dia orang kata kematian wira ni sebagai mati katak, polis anjing dan banyak lagi yang tak ingin saya tulis kat sini.
Kita ada tiga kaum yang besar dalam negara. Melayu, Cina dan India. Tapi saya agak terkilan kenapa tugas menjaga keselamatan negara hanya orang melayu saja yang ramai. Kenapa rakan-rakan kita dari kaum-kaum lain seakan memencilkan kerjaya ini? Tugas ni sepatutnya di sandang oleh semua.
Apabila ada orang-orang melayu sendiri yang mengecilkan pengorbanan besar pasukan keselamatan kita untuk ketenteraman semua, saya jadi meluat. Meluat tengok sifat lupa diri orang melayu. Dan apabila pasukan ini dihina dan di ejek pula oleh kaum-kaum lain, saya berkecil hati dan sakit hati yang teramat. Apalah salah mereka sehingga di hina sebegitu sekali. Sekurang-kurangnya kalau tak minat nak menyertai pasukan polis atau tentera, hormatilah mereka yang selama ini menjaga keamanan negara.
Dan buat Tian Chua juga, dia sepatutnya berterima kasih kepada anggota keselamatan kita kerana disebabkan mereka bertempur disana menjaga keselamatan kita dan Tian Chua juga, dapat dia berdiri di podium dengan selamat untuk menghina orang yang memberikannya kehidupan yang mewah dan aman.
Ada satu orang dalam facebook saya ni, setiap hari kerja dia maki orang, maki kerajaan, maki polis, tapi apabila ada satu kejadian di satu tempat, dia tanya pulak mana polis, kenapa tak ambik tindakan? Kalau saya jadi polis pun, saya tak ambik tindakan. Lantak engkaulah. Komplain pandai, bila dah terdesak cari juga polis. Macam ni punya orang pun ada.
Lagi satu yang saya perasan, bolasepak adalah sukan kebangsaan dinegara kita. Boleh dikatakan semua minat tengok bola. Tapi perasan dak hanya orang melayu yang memenuhi stadium bolasepak kalau pasukan negara yang bermain. Mana pergi kaum-kaum lain? Kaum-kaum lain hanya akan memenuhi stadium apabila pasukan Man U ataupun Liverpool atau Man City bermain. Mana perginya semangat kesukanan semua?Ini membuatkan saya terfikir hanya orang melayu yang menyokong orang melayu dan disebabkan sukan bolasepak ni majoriti hanya budak melayu yang bermain jadi kaum lain tidak berminat untuk menonton..
Cuba kita tengok pula bila bila Chong Wei lawan badminton. Semua kaum tengok, terutama kaum Cina. Kita orang melayu seperti biasa turut memenuhi stadium, memberi sokongan walaupun Chong Wei bukan orang melayu. Kita sayang dia. Dari sini kita boleh nampak, hanya orang melayu yang terhegeh-hegeh nak berbaik dan menjaga hati semua orang. Kaum lain macam mana?
Kesian melayu.
Orang melayu ni secara am nya sangat lembut hati (terutamanya melayu Malaysia), menerima apa saja seadanya. Kita bukan jenis rasis tapi keadaan sekeliling kita, menjadikan orang melayu lebih berhati-hati sekarang ni. Kerajaan melebihkan orang melayu sebab dia tahu orang melayu slow sikit dalam segala hal, orang lain bersuara lantang meminta hak yang sama, orang melayu masih di takuk lama, takut nak bersuara banyak-banyak takut kecilkan hati orang. Orang lain dah kaya raya, orang melayu masih tak berani nak ambik risiko berusaha lebih. Sebabnya? Macam saya katakan tadi, kita agak slow. Kalau kerajaan tak ada di belakang kita, agaknya sampai sekarang orang melayu masih lagi tinggal di kampung, bertani dan bercucuk tanam, makan gaji cukup-cukup makan dan masih merendah diri.
Kalau kerajaan ikut semua permintaan kawan-kawan kita dari kaum lain, orang melayu akan betul-betul merempat di negara sendiri. Macam yang terjadi di Singapura. Dulu negara tu sebahagian dari Malaysia, tapi sekarang dah jadi negara sendiri. Mana pergi orang-orang Melayu sana. Apa yang dah jadi pada mereka. Kenapa agak ramai melayu-melayu Singapura sekarang merantau, bekerja dan bermastautin di sini?
Dan untuk orang melayu sendiri, janganlah lupakan saudara-saudara kita yang masih tertinggal dibelakang. Janganlah menghina sesama sendiri. Kalau kita orang yang berpelajaran tinggi, belajar sampai keluar negara, cubalah bantu orang melayu sedaya yang boleh. Bukan dari segi wang ringgit tapi cara berfikir dan berdaya saing dengan sesiapa juga. Saya bukan nak kata orang lain, arwah bapa saya dulu pun selalu kata orang melayu lembab (maaf cakap) tapi itulah hakikatnya. Kita jangan rasa marah saja tapi lebih baik kalau kita perbaiki diri dan minda kita selaras dengan zaman ini.
Akhir sekali, saya berharap dimasa akan datang, akan ada lebih ramai pemuda dari kaum Cina dan India menyertai pasukan keselamatan kita. Barulah kita dapat berbangga menjadi rakyat Malaysia.
Salam dari saya,
22nd.Mar '13
Sounded harsh when the title was put that way. But that's what Malays was labeled by the British during their occupation years ago in the Second World War. We were said to be stupid and lazy. A demeaning combination. Sad but there's some truth in it. The British must have evaluated the strength and weaknesses of the Malays then, that was why the Malays were sent to the village and the Chinese to the city whereas the Indians to rubber estate. This segregation was done by the British and it's printed in history.
What I am about to write may be viewed as racist or something but believe me that is not my intention at all. It's from my personal point of view. Please read on as to what I have to say. The thought of writing about this issue has become over-whelming with the wake of Sabah intrusion in the last two weeks. It started with Tian Chua ( a Vice President of an Opposition Party) said the incident in Sabah (the shootings and killings of our armed forces and police personnel by the Sulu terrorists) was staged by the Government. Seriously? Who in their right mind would stage something that involved lives? News broadcast all across the nation, showed the grieving families waiting for the bodies of their loved ones who died in the line of duty.
Some were as young as my children. Some of them left behind a pregnant wife and young children.
What an insensitive remarks to come out from the mouth of someone who is, I am sure highly educated and a high profile person! To my simple mind, to be in the opposition party means to oppose to something that was not right carried out by the running Government. Not making up stories of lies at every chance you got. Grow up. This is not child's play.
Now, why did I put the caption as stupid Malays? Because Malays were willing to die for the country. Malays were ready to fight till the last drop of blood. We, the Malays, Chinese and Indians live in this country and called Malaysian. But when it comes to defending the country, why only the Malays? The armed forces and Police job positions were open to all, yet out of 1000 people maybe only a hundred or so of Indian and Chinese combined were in this defence force.Why did this happen? I mean, the task to protect the nation lies on the shoulders of us all not only on one ethnic. Granted that the Chinese strengthen the economy of the nation but that is for the benefits of individuals. There should be more patriotism shown by my peers to help build this nation into a strong nation. Bad mouthing about the country wouldn't help anything.
Also, when the death of the policemen and armed forces were highlighted, there were those who called the dead heroes as dogs.They made fun of this and write all over their facebook wall as if it was some kind of a joke.
It hurt my feelings more when these harsh words were thrown by my fellow Chinese and Indian friends because I am seeing it from the side that since not many of them were in the forces, the best they can do is to give moral support instead of being abusive and vocal when condemning the military police. I know this one guy, a facebook friend who condemned the police like they had caused him a living hell. Then there was some kind of chaos at a place and he got the guts to ask where the hell were the police when in need? Ironic, ain't it?
I know everybody hates the police because they usually comes in the form of trouble. We may get the parking tickets, stopped by for speeding or delivering bad news to us, but without them where would we be? Can we live without them? Are they so despicable that they don't deserve an ounce of recognition from us?
Yes, they may be corrupt but are they the only ones to be blamed? When they applied some sort of toughness against public, we cried out police brutality. When they were lenient, we said they were soft as jelly. We cursed, we condemned and we called them names. Yet when they were not where we want them to be, we panicked. We wished they were somewhere close by. So guys, what does that make us?
Malays by nature are gentle people, always ready to please and accommodate others. Malays are not racist. That is why they welcome everybody to be apart of the nation with open arms. The Government are a bit over protective towards the Malays because we walked in a slower pace compared to others, we were still trailing behind compared to others and we still the humble and easy-to-please people. Without the Government to look after us, we most probably still are farmers or fishermen. We were slow in almost everything especially calculation and mathematics. That's why we can't make a good business person.
Lastly, I wish I could see a well balanced ratio in the Armed Forces and Police force in the near future. Come to think of that, I wish there would be more Chinese and Indians spectators in the Malaysian sports scene. We can hardly see you guys watching Malaysian football. I know they sucks sometimes but with your moral support, who knows they might do better. Let's go and be Malaysian together. Not only in words but our action as you all know it, action speaks louder than words.
Well, I will stop right here and let's love our country just like we love our families. This is where we belong.
Let's stop the bickering and carry on with our lives just the way we are now. God have mercy on us.
22nd.Mar '13
Ayam Kung Pao
Salam sekali lagi buat semua,
Hari ni jom kita cuba masak masakan Cina. Tentu ramai dah biasa makan atau tahu tentang resipi ni. Tapi pada siapa siapa yang tak biasa lagi dgn resipi ni boleh cuba sendiri. Hari ni kalau ada masa boleh lah mencuba.
Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan :
* Bwg besar 1 labu dan 3 ulas bwg putih dirincik kecik
* sikit minyak bijan ( kalau pakai non stick pan ambil dlm 2 sudu)
* 2 cili merah di kisar kasar)
* 1 inci halia (dikisar kasar)
* se genggam brokoli yang di carik-carikkan
* suku cawan kcg tanah di sangai tanpa minyak dan di tumbuk kasar
* 10 cili kering ( sangaikan sehingga agak garing, angkat dan letak sebelah dulu.
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kacang tanah di tumbuk kasar dan cili merah juga di tumbuk kasar |
* 1 1/2 sudu besar sos tiram
* 2 sudu besar sos hoisin ( ada di jual di supermarket)
* 1 sudu cuka
* 2 sudu kicap cair (masin)
(campurkan semua sos kedalam satu mangkuk)
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Ayam yang dah di saute dan sos yg diperlukan spt dlm tulisan merah di atas |
* ayam yang dipotong nipis ( 5 ketul isi ayam)
* Tepung jagung (campurkan sikit air)
( gaulkan ayam dan tepung jagung dan letakkan disebelah dulu)
*** Gunakan 2 sudu minyak biasa dan saute kan ayam sehingga setengah masak.
Okay, kita mula masak :
Panaskan minyak bijan . Masukkan bwg putih dan bwg merah tadi. Biar sehingga hampir kuning.
Sekarang ambil halia dan cili merah, tumis sekali dengan bwg tadi.
Kini, campurkan pulak ayam setengah masak tadi dan masak sebentar.
Masukkan sos yang dicampur tadi bersama dengan sikit air.
Biarkan kuah agak pekat dan sekarang bolehlah ditabur kacang tanah dan sayur brokoli.
Biarkan dalam 1 minit lepas tu bolehlah diangkat.
Makan semasa masih panas.
Memang sedap betul ayam masak begini. Cuba dan bagi tau mak cik Rose.
19th.Mar '13
Food For Thought
Good morning people,
What a feeling to wake up to a beautiful morning like today. It lifts away all your worries and headaches, for a while at least. Woke up at 5 something this morning, boil some water and since I had prepared some curry puffs last night, I only need to fry this morning for Sara (her school starts at 07:30hrs). Performed my prayer (the first of the five prayers), I sat myself in front of my laptop and started thinking what to write for today's blog.
She (Sara) was ready by 06:50hrs and I asked her to bring some of the home made curry puffs for her friends as well, she pouted. "Do I have to"? She asked.
I replied, "You don't have to, but your friends would be delighted to have something for breakfast prepared by somebody else's mom." She didn't look happy but she took it anyway.
Ahh.. children. I honestly don't understand them. What is so difficult just to carry a few pieces of goodies in their school bags? I am sure many of you had gone through similar situations as I did this morning. I remembered my difficult son, Soffian, when he was in elementary school (I think he was eight or nine years old then), the class teacher had asked them each to bring any kind of food for their class. I can't remember what was the event about. Anyway, I bought some bread and gave him (Malaysian bread that required gravy to go with it). After school I asked him how was your class party. He said fine. Was there plenty of food around? He said yes. What about the bread I gave you. He flustered a little, then said the class finished it. I dropped the subject. Years later, when we ( all the four of them and me) were talking about school, I brought up this subject. I asked him again about the bread as I was not convinced with his reply before. Did your class really finish the whole bread? He gave me that knowing something-is-up smile. Oh oh, I dread to hear what he was about to say. He said he dumped the whole bread into the school trash can. I don't know if I am shocked or not. When asked why did he do that. "No reason." That was his answer. Mad as I was then, there's nothing much I can do as it was in the past. To this day I still wonder, if he was not my child, what would happen to him. Would he be abused physically or verbally by whomever happened to be his parents? Would he be rebellious? Or would he be better than what he is today.
I am still talking about food. Food is a necessity element of human beings. Each and everyone of us needs food to stay alive. People starve to death for lacking of food and yet in Malaysia and some other countries the food is in abundance that we literally throw food if it didn't meet up our taste buds. People can afford to have and choose what sort of food they wish to eat on that particular day. One can see the waste of plenty of food during Ramadhan month (fasting month for Muslim). We saw arrays of food at the make-shift stalls and it looks delicious and we bought it. Ended up, we threw it as we can't finish it all. We seemed to take for granted that food is within our reach. We forgot about the children on the other side of the world who is less fortunate and that they would grab anything to fill their hungry stomach to keep alive.
I hate to see the food goes into waste. I especially hate some movies that involved car chasing or fist fighting and they deliberately ran into some fruit stalls or broke into huge kitchen with food flying and milk spilling all over the place. Why don't they change the food scene with something else?
Another thing, take for example my family. There were six of us. My main issue for the day is what to cook today. Do you get what I mean? What I am trying to say is each and everyone of them have their own likes and dislikes. One person must have chicken in every meal, the next person would only eat if there's egg involve and another person must have rice and some gravy. Gordon Ramsey, I am ready for a kitchen fight against you any time.
It's a small wonder I got hypertension and migraine!
I know of some people who make a living by opening up a little restaurant or coffee shop. For lunch, they cooked a vast spread of food and line it up on a long table. If there's any balance upon closing time, the food will be thrown into the trash can rather than giving it away to their neighbours or how about charity home. To me, it's a puzzling action. And don't you know it, many hotels practice the same doing as the restaurateurs.
I used to cook extra portion in case any of the kids came home hungry. Nowadays, I only cook for whomever at home and if any of them came home hungry, there would be some cold tuna sandwich inside the fridge or some peanut butter placed on the dinner table. Take it or leave it! They usually eat whatever there is on the table. Once they got home, I am sure they're too lazy to go out again.
And as most mothers around the world would do, I use the leftovers for next meal on the table. They would gobble it down the same without complaining.
Treasure what we have now for we never knew what's the plan He had for us in the future. Sophie did something which I find it heartwarming. You people know, she is now in a college hundreds of kilometers away from us all alone. She told me the other day, as she was walking with her friend after class, they saw a disable man (both feet amputated), sitting by the roadside looking tired. She said let's give something to him. Her friend said okay. The girl had a few bucks in her purse and so did Sophie. They counted the money together, then as an afterthought, Sophie said to her friend, why don't we buy him some food, saved him the trouble to get up and find a shop. And they did just that. Sophie said, when they gave the food to that unfortunate man, he looked at them with the eyes that said a thousand words. She said, " Ma, I felt like I've just won a lottery. It was precious. I mean it's just a little food and he thanked us like we gave him big money." I said, that's why I always remind you children, to always think about others besides yourselves.
Be nice always.Train your heart to be good and caring. Believe me, you'll sleep like a baby contented with what you have around you.
Had to go now. Have a wonderful day!
13th.Mar '13
What a feeling to wake up to a beautiful morning like today. It lifts away all your worries and headaches, for a while at least. Woke up at 5 something this morning, boil some water and since I had prepared some curry puffs last night, I only need to fry this morning for Sara (her school starts at 07:30hrs). Performed my prayer (the first of the five prayers), I sat myself in front of my laptop and started thinking what to write for today's blog.
She (Sara) was ready by 06:50hrs and I asked her to bring some of the home made curry puffs for her friends as well, she pouted. "Do I have to"? She asked.
I replied, "You don't have to, but your friends would be delighted to have something for breakfast prepared by somebody else's mom." She didn't look happy but she took it anyway.
Ahh.. children. I honestly don't understand them. What is so difficult just to carry a few pieces of goodies in their school bags? I am sure many of you had gone through similar situations as I did this morning. I remembered my difficult son, Soffian, when he was in elementary school (I think he was eight or nine years old then), the class teacher had asked them each to bring any kind of food for their class. I can't remember what was the event about. Anyway, I bought some bread and gave him (Malaysian bread that required gravy to go with it). After school I asked him how was your class party. He said fine. Was there plenty of food around? He said yes. What about the bread I gave you. He flustered a little, then said the class finished it. I dropped the subject. Years later, when we ( all the four of them and me) were talking about school, I brought up this subject. I asked him again about the bread as I was not convinced with his reply before. Did your class really finish the whole bread? He gave me that knowing something-is-up smile. Oh oh, I dread to hear what he was about to say. He said he dumped the whole bread into the school trash can. I don't know if I am shocked or not. When asked why did he do that. "No reason." That was his answer. Mad as I was then, there's nothing much I can do as it was in the past. To this day I still wonder, if he was not my child, what would happen to him. Would he be abused physically or verbally by whomever happened to be his parents? Would he be rebellious? Or would he be better than what he is today.
I am still talking about food. Food is a necessity element of human beings. Each and everyone of us needs food to stay alive. People starve to death for lacking of food and yet in Malaysia and some other countries the food is in abundance that we literally throw food if it didn't meet up our taste buds. People can afford to have and choose what sort of food they wish to eat on that particular day. One can see the waste of plenty of food during Ramadhan month (fasting month for Muslim). We saw arrays of food at the make-shift stalls and it looks delicious and we bought it. Ended up, we threw it as we can't finish it all. We seemed to take for granted that food is within our reach. We forgot about the children on the other side of the world who is less fortunate and that they would grab anything to fill their hungry stomach to keep alive.
I hate to see the food goes into waste. I especially hate some movies that involved car chasing or fist fighting and they deliberately ran into some fruit stalls or broke into huge kitchen with food flying and milk spilling all over the place. Why don't they change the food scene with something else?
Another thing, take for example my family. There were six of us. My main issue for the day is what to cook today. Do you get what I mean? What I am trying to say is each and everyone of them have their own likes and dislikes. One person must have chicken in every meal, the next person would only eat if there's egg involve and another person must have rice and some gravy. Gordon Ramsey, I am ready for a kitchen fight against you any time.
It's a small wonder I got hypertension and migraine!
I know of some people who make a living by opening up a little restaurant or coffee shop. For lunch, they cooked a vast spread of food and line it up on a long table. If there's any balance upon closing time, the food will be thrown into the trash can rather than giving it away to their neighbours or how about charity home. To me, it's a puzzling action. And don't you know it, many hotels practice the same doing as the restaurateurs.
I used to cook extra portion in case any of the kids came home hungry. Nowadays, I only cook for whomever at home and if any of them came home hungry, there would be some cold tuna sandwich inside the fridge or some peanut butter placed on the dinner table. Take it or leave it! They usually eat whatever there is on the table. Once they got home, I am sure they're too lazy to go out again.
And as most mothers around the world would do, I use the leftovers for next meal on the table. They would gobble it down the same without complaining.
Treasure what we have now for we never knew what's the plan He had for us in the future. Sophie did something which I find it heartwarming. You people know, she is now in a college hundreds of kilometers away from us all alone. She told me the other day, as she was walking with her friend after class, they saw a disable man (both feet amputated), sitting by the roadside looking tired. She said let's give something to him. Her friend said okay. The girl had a few bucks in her purse and so did Sophie. They counted the money together, then as an afterthought, Sophie said to her friend, why don't we buy him some food, saved him the trouble to get up and find a shop. And they did just that. Sophie said, when they gave the food to that unfortunate man, he looked at them with the eyes that said a thousand words. She said, " Ma, I felt like I've just won a lottery. It was precious. I mean it's just a little food and he thanked us like we gave him big money." I said, that's why I always remind you children, to always think about others besides yourselves.
Be nice always.Train your heart to be good and caring. Believe me, you'll sleep like a baby contented with what you have around you.
Had to go now. Have a wonderful day!
13th.Mar '13
Assalamualaikum semua,
Dengan izinNya dapat juga saya menulis satu lagi resipi, iaitu resipi kegemaran orang Barat, Pai.
Sebelum kita mula, mak cik Rose nak bagi tips, bila kita buat makanan macam ni, kita tak perlu ikut 100% resipi asal. Tambah2 lagi buat pai ni, kita boleh pilih nak masukkan filling yang macam mana kat dalam dia. Kita punya left over food dalam peti ais tu pun boleh pakai.
Okay jom mula :
i) Untuk pie crust kita hanya perlukan :
2 1/2 cawan tpg gandum
sikit garam
Unsalted butter (dalam 100gm) (keluarkan dr peti sejuk dan biarkan utk 1/2 jam)
Air sejuk ( 4 ~ 5 sudu besar) ** Air dari dalam peti sejuk
Masukkan tpg kedalam bekas bersama garam. Gaulkan rata.
Kemudian potong kecik2 butter dan terus masukkan kedalam tepung tadi.
Sekarang gaul dan pecahkan butter bersama dengan tepung sehingga menjadi seperti serbuk roti.
Bila dah pecah elok, barulah di masukkan air sejuk tadi.
**Jgn terlebih air sebab doh akan bertukar menjadi doh roti biasa. Biarkan sekadar tepung sebati saja.
Jgn uli terlalu lama.
Bahagikan doh kepada 2 bahagian. Bungkus didalam plastic cling wrap dan masukkan kedalam peti sejuk lebih kurang 1 jam.
ii) Untuk pie filling/ inti pie pula, kita sediakan :
* minyak zaitun 3 sudu besar
* Daging kisar dalam 200gm
* Isi ayam dari 3 ketul ayam (sederhana besar)
* 1 labu bwg besar / 3 ulas bwg putih
* Sikit daun thymes (boleh dpt kat s/market)
* 6 cendawan butang yang direndam sehingga lembut dan dihiris kecil
* 1 biji ubi kentang dipotong dadu
* 2 biji buah tomato
* Fresh cream ( dalam 3 sudu makan , kalau nak lebih berkrim boleh di lebihkan sikit)
* dan sikit mustard (kalau x suka tak payah masukkan)
* garam secukup rasa
* Kiub ayam (separuh ) dan sikit tpg jagung dicampur dgn air (utk mengentalkan filling)
* 1 butir telur (utk menggris)
Kita mulakan dengan minyak zaitun, bila dah panas taburkan bwg besar di ikuti dgn bwg putih.
Biarkan sekejap. Sekarang masukkan daging kisar dan juga potongan ayam tadi. Kacau biar pecah daging tadi dan tidak berketul.
Bila daging dah pecah dan bertukar warna, masukkan kiub ayam yg bercampur tpg jagung tadi.
Ia akan menjadi sedikit pekat.
Sekarang, masukkan pula ubi kentang, karot, cendawan dan tomato juga daun thyme.
Kacau lagi. Masukkan garam secukup rasa.
Tutup api. Ambil 3 sudu fresh krim tadi dan gaulkan sebati.
Sekiranya nak letak mustard bolehlah di masukkan sekarang.
Biarkan filling di sebelah.
Keluarkan doh dr peti sejuk. Doh akan jadi agak keras. Biarkan sehingga agak lembut.
Kemudian bolehlah dicanai mengikut acuan kita.
Canaikan sehingga agak nipis dan gunakan tangan utk menekan doh biar padat kebawah dan tepi acuan.
Jgn lupa guna garfu sambil mencucuk adunan doh lapisan bwh utk mencepatkan masak.
Bila dah isi inti/filling tadi, canaikan pula doh yang satu lagi.
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kurang doh terpaksa pakai sisa doh yg dipotong |
Sekarang barulah kita letakkan doh utk lapisan atas. Tentukan doh ini bertemu dgn doh lapisan bawah.
Tekan perlahan-lahan biar padat.
Ikut seperti teknik lapisan bawah tadi iaitu cucuk dengan garpu pada lapisan atas pula. Jgn terlalu kuat.
Ambil telur merah tadi dan gunakan berus utk menggris bahagian atas doh pula.
Sambil kita menyediakan bahan-bahan tadi, jgn lupa pasang oven dalam 180C.
Biarkan oven panas, barulah dimasukkan pai kita tadi.
Masak utk lebih kurang 40 min.
Pai ayam dah siap untuk di makan |
sekeping pai dah cukup kenyang |
8th.Mar '13
Will The Cancer Strike Again
If anyone of us comes out from any type of cancer healed and cured, we're called survivors. We were called survivors because many of those who were diagnosed with this killer disease barely made it. As many of you, my loyal readers might have known, I was a cancer patient. Diagnosed in 2011 and had gone through the pain of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in 2012 I am now considered a survivor.
How good is my chance of living till the ripe old age? Only God knows. One thing I am certain of is, the cancer can strike again. Maybe not now but in a few years time, it may recur.I had many sleepless nights thinking will it be worse than the first time? Will I find out when it is still at an early stage or when it's too late?A scary thought but I'll live with it. If it were to happen again, I truly hope not within these few years as I still have the trauma of going through the chemo process and the smell of hospital can still make me cringe. The other day, we were in the boat heading to Kuala Perlis, when I suddenly shivered at the thought of that specific hospital. I told Sara my tummy felt funny. She hugged me and asked me to play some games in her iPad! Cute gesture and it worked.
I used to be ashamed of my body and I refused to look in the mirror at myself. I'd cry secretly every time anyone mention about my removed breast. I'd sleep with my head busy thinking what's going to happen to my children if I were to die sooner than expected. Thank God I am back to my normal self now. I can even make fun of my body now.
My husband never had any T-shirt on him whenever he's at home.Can't blame him. It's hot outside. It's worst for me since I am always sweating (courtesy from my chemo treatment and menopause). So, one day as I was sitting in the living room with that sweltering heat outside, I said to Sara, "You know what? Now that my body is a bit similar to your dad, at least one side, maybe I can be topless too. It won't make much difference, does it?" Sara gave me the look that said don't start that nonsense thought of yours again. I can't help but chuckled at her expression. Gone were the days when I'd feel humiliated if we were to wander into that kind of conversation. Now I speak freely and easy about it.
There were times when I felt blessed that I was diagnosed with only a breast cancer. Just a few days ago, I met my ex office colleague of whom I have not met for over five years. She is suffering from brain cancer or usually called brain tumour. Final stage that is stage 4. She is only 42. One look at her, nobody would have thought or imagine that she is suffering from that chronic disease.She looks good. I was close to tears when she told me her ordeal having to go through two surgeries to crack open her head and remove the 9cm tumour inside her head. Mind you, she had to go through this procedure twice (because of the recurrence) and the excruciating pain she had to go through was indescribable. She told me the moment she was conscious after the operations, she went berserk. She felt as if she was at a garage where there were lots of cars and the noise was unbearable. She screamed and throw things at doctors and nurses until she was calmed. Like me, she got used to it and made amend with herself. But unlike me, she is at stage 4, the final stage. I can only pray with all of my heart for the best for her.
Today, I am living the life of a normal person enjoying every chance I got, cherishing the beauty what life had to offer and take things easy.
This is my second life and I will treasure it while it lasts.
Have a great day everybody!
Lots of love,
6th.Mar '13
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